Tag Archives: your health updates

Alicia Weber, fitness expert with YourHealthUpdates.com – Shows How to Avoid Back Problems

Approximately 80% of adults are estimated to have some kind of back injury in their lifetime and 10 percent will suffer from a back re-injury, according to Premier back statistics.

The best way to prevent back pain is to become educated in the ways back injuries occur and form a preventative plan.  One of the top ways to avoid a back problem is to lift objects properly.  There are 7 different proper lifts that you can pick from to keep a healthy back and use your leg strength and not your back to pick things up the right way! Follow along with the video below that shows the 7 proper lifts as the lifting techniques are spelled out underneath.

Avoid Back Problems with the 7 Proper Lifts

  1.  Deep Squat Lift -  Do a full squat where hips are below knee level.  Arms and legs are parallel with an anterior pelvic tilt. Always keep object close for strong base of support – good for medium to heavy lower objects.  Grab object at the sides or under the bottom of the object.
  2. Traditional Lift – Get in standard squat position except feet are anteroposterior on each side of object.  Good for heavy, low objects – place object between legs  to maintain low center of gravity while wide base of support. 
  3. Power Lift -  Go into a half-squat for lifting taller and lighter objects where hips are above knee level.  Arms and legs are parallel – grab sides of the object, while maintaining a more vertical position with an anterior pelvic tilt.
  4. Straight Leg Lift – Knees can be slightly bent in this lift known for picking up grocery bags.  Grasp sides of the object and hold object close to the body.
  5. One-Leg Stance Lift – This lift is also known as the “golfer’s lift” and it is for very light objects weighing upto a couple pounds at most.  The body will go horizontal, while maintaining a straight back and always keep the front leg over the heel (making a 90 degree angle). The back leg can be straight or slightly bent. Again secure object close to body.
  6. Half-Kneeling  Lift – good for objects of various sizes and weights.  However, AVOID this type of lift if you have a knee problem! This is a useful lift for people of small stature with great balance. The goal of the lift is to secure objects close to the body before standing.
  7. Stoop Lift -  This is a great lift for an object  below waist level. This is the common lift for different types bags and/or items with handles (i.e. suitcase, purse, brief cases, pails, tool boxes, etc). Just partially flex hip and knees, while maintaining a straight slightly forward back.  Feet are shoulder width apart and slightly anteroposterior from each other.

I hope these tips help you “back up” and regroup and start rearing in the right direction in back health!  Remember:  Keep using your Legs and Rear Muscles when lifting and NOT your back!  For more info – Alicia Weber is a fitness expert with YourHealthUpdates.com

Aquatic Training to Ease Back Into Exercise in Clermont Florida

By:  Alicia Weber

As an aquatic therapist, I find my clients enjoying exercise more if they begin with aquatic training. We can do the same land exercises in the water and so much more without any effort, yet we can get the heart rate in the appropriate zone for weight loss and overall fitness results.

One female client started an exercise program with me 12 weeks ago and it began with water training. She exclaims,”Water is an excellent introduction for anyone starting an exercise program for the 1st time or returning to exercise after a long break. Water training isn’t as difficult as land-based training. It prepares you for the gym. The combination of both gives the best results.”

This client is currently in a land-based only program as she has graduated into a new fitness level. She remembers her first weeks and recalls doing a series of arm flap exercises first in the water. She moved her arms effortlessly at high speeds and later noticed arm toning effects. A few weeks later she did the same arm flap exercise routine on land and found it to be grueling, difficult, and exhausting. However, through her 3 month conditioning process the same routine done on land is still challenging, but not exhausting. She is now in great condition and continues to excel at challenging exercises on land where at one time, she was only able to perform them in the water.

Alicia Weber is a Fitness Expert with YourHealthUpdates.com This article and others can be found at http://www.yourhealthupdates.com/author/alicia-weber/

Alicia Weber can be reached for Aquatic Exercise programs and Personal Training in Central Florida at Awinningway@gmail.com

Below is a short intro to the Arm Flap Leg Endurance routine. FIRST try in the water and after a few weeks try on land and see the difference as your strength and endurance builds!