CLERMONT, FL—Weber continues to put physical fitness on the map in Lake County with her world records, wins, champion trainees, and she is now a sports news reporter for a top media source.
Alicia Weber reached her 350th world record in endurance fashion as she re-set the consecutive knee tuck world record for the eighth time! The record category began in 2011 by a male athlete. Males and females compete for overall records at Recordsetter where Alicia took over the record title in 2012 and is the current world record holder with her 668 consecutive knee tucks set on October 1, 2013.
Jim Thorpe named Athlete of the Century and Greatest Athlete when he became Olympic Decathlon Champion in 1912. 2012 marks 100yr anniversary of the Decathlon.This year 2012, marks the 100 year anniversary of the sport of Decathlon, which first became popular worldwide in the 1912 Olympics when American Jim Thorpe won the gold medal and was told he was “the world’s greatest athlete.” That title of “world’s greatest athlete” has been bestowed on every Olympic Decathlon Champion since! What an exciting time it is to see on the 100th anniversary of Decathlon another American taking that claim to fame and in world record style too! Ashton Eaton won the Olympic gold medal in the decathlon in the 2012 Olympics and at US Olympic Trials Eaton set the world record with a new benchmark of 9,039 points in this two day event! The Olympic decathlon is a 2 day event, but there is a non-Olympic decathlon with the same order of events as the Olympic one except it has to be completed in JUST 1 HOUR! The world record for the 1 hour decathlon is 7,897 points set in 1992 by Czech decathlete Robert Zmelik. The sport of decathlon evolved from the sport of pentathlon that was in the ancient Olympics, which included long jump, discus throw, javelin throw, track sprint, and finally a wrestling match. Pentathlons were introduced in Olympia during 708 BC and ignited the fire for centuries of athletes to seek the thrill for “all around athletic events.” Now, in 2012, Alicia Weber – 100+ x world record holder in strength and endurance would like to introduce you to the modern day alternative decathlon and pentathlon!
Alicia Weber is known as a very innovative, fun, and results-driven fitness trainer as well as a determined all around athlete. In celebration of the 100yr anniversary of the decathlon, Alicia set a world record in a 10 event rep-based Abdominal Decathlon on August 13, 2012. Alicia creatively combined 10 of the most challenging ab exercises (based on feedback from her clients and her own training experiences) and set these exercises up to go continuously for the most reps with less than 6 minutes of rest between exercises and Alicia broke 2 world records in individual rep-based ab exercises enroute to setting the new benchmark of 1,310 reps for the Abdominal Decathlon!
Alicia Sets RecordSetter World Record for Abdominal Decathlon
Alicia Weber earned the Record of the Day Recognition for her Abdominal Decathlon on August 14, 2012.
Next up on Alicia’s schedule was to celebrate the evolution of the sport of decathlon by going back to its roots in Olympia with the pentathlon. Alicia created a pentathlon called the “Towel Pull Up Pentathlon” where the highest score wins! Four of the events are all various types of towel pull ups testing maximum strength and are rep-based and one event is time based as one goes for the longest one arm towel grip dead hang. Each rep =1 point and each second = 1 point and the total points from the 5 events are tallied and the highest score wins! On August 16, 2012, Alicia broke one individual event world record in the consecutive full rep towel L pull ups enroute to setting the world record with 122 points for the Towel Pull Up Pentathlon.
Alicia sets Recordsetter World Record in Towel Pull Up Pentathlon
Alicia's record in the Towel Pull Up Pentathlon made RecordSettter Record of the Day Recognition on August 19, 2012.
A record holder can earn “Record of the Day” with Recordsetter World Records, if their record becomes popular and demonstrates a high level of creativity and difficulty. Alicia Weber is a creative fitness trainer who makes exercising fun and she works with all ages and ability levels and can be reached at
Alicia was challenged by a fan to set the longest 6-12 inch straight leg hold and she did just that when she set the RecordSetter World Record for the longest 6-12 inch straight leg hold on August 1, 2012. Alicia even surpassed what she ever thought she would do, when she set the world record for a mind boggling 31 minutes and 36 seconds. I asked Alicia how she did it and Alicia answered, “Blocking out the pain and preparing before the event with massage therapy. It becomes more of a mind game after awhile.”
Alicia Weber said, “Massage therapy and muscle training go hand in hand. In order to be a long-term elite athlete, I have regular massage therapy to keep the muscles limber and nutrient rich and free of stiffness and immobility where metabolites and lactic acid feast!”
My clients call the knee tuck the toughest ab exercise and there is good reason to call it that – it works balance and it is a total core training exercise PLUS go for endurance and one will find it tests leg strength (psoas major m., hip flexors, and quadriceps). Keep working at it and churn your way to more than 6 pack abs, but bullet proof abs!!
My clients keep improving their knee tucks as my one 60 year old female client set an all time best of 60 consecutive knee tucks the day after I demolished two knee tuck world records.
The knee tuck exercise is a competitive exercise category at RecordSetter World Records and I attempted to break 2 knee tuck world records in the same day. I began with the 5lbs Ankle Weighted Knee Tuck Record (with 5lbs Ankle Weights on both ankles). I had to go over 103 consecutive reps to break the current world record. I went thru several rounds to get into the rhythm as no pauses are allowed, so balance and control are very important. After 4 attempts, I finally broke the world record with 120 consecutive…One down and another to go!!
One and a half hours later, I returned to attempt to break the bodyweight only consecutive knee tuck record, which is 310 reps. I kept going, and going, and finally my foot touched the ground and the attempt had to end at 311 reps. Unsatisfied with only being 1 rep over the record, I regrouped and returned 2 hours later with a more focused frame of mind for an exercise that requires great concentration and control…the RESULT: 402 consecutive reps – demolishing the former record!!
Below are the back-to-back Knee Tuck RecordSetter Record Videos. The weighted Record first followed by the Bodyweight only. Keep watching – at the end there’s 2 minutes of Flexing!! Enjoy!!
*Looking for a trainer to get you 6 pack abs in Central Florida? If so, Alicia can get your abs in top shape and she can be reached at