Alicia Weber is a USA Archery Level 2 Instructor and Running and Fitness Coach that has a Homeschool Archery program at Acres of Grace Farm in Howey-in-the – Hills, Florida.
She is currently recruiting for the fall 2024 season. If interested, you can contact her at
Alicia’s first-ever homeschool archery team, Three Arrows, tied for third place out of 5 teams in the Spring 2024 Archery Competitive Season.Tremendous Achievements were made in the first-ever Homeschool Archery program where records were set and broken in a League that is 11 years old.
The Homeschool children have proven to be very motivated and excited to excel in the “Aim to be Your Best Archery Program” made specifically for homeschool kids. It gives them individual and team challenges and a well-rounded enrichment. They enjoy how the program is personalized and how the skills build based on their progress.
They had their hardest challenges on the last day of their Spring Semester. They competed in a 10 yard (15 arrow) and 15 yard (15 arrow) challenge shooting a total of 30 arrows. Brendon a 12 year old boy set the league record for youth boys with his score 177 points. A girl who only did archery for three days set the Youth Girls Rookie Record with 97 points.All the students who competed scored points on both the 10 yard and 15 yard targets. Children from 7-18 can join this homeschool program and have the opportunity to compete in various events as a member of a team and individual.
Click Link Above to read featured story of Alicia on Acres of Grace Farm.
Alicia is a highly motivated coach and elite multisport athlete who is always breaking barriers. So far this year (as of May 1, 2024) Alicia has set or broken a total of 32 strength and endurance world records. She has been the World’s Most Prolific Female Record Holder, since 2012. In addition to record breaking, she has been competing in 4 sports annually. She competed in her 6th world championship for Indoor Rowing in March (18th total world championship) where she placed 23rd woman in the world out of 419 lightweight women. She competed in three Cross Country clay trail 5k races so far this year placing 3rd, 1st, and 9th overall out of the women. In addition to competing, Alicia enjoys laughing and doing comedy and public speaking. She had a couple Improv contests for the homeschool archery and they placed 1st in one event and second in another event!
snake comedy show
Easter Weeding Competition
Alicia’s 3rd cross country race of 2024 and largest in state on a clay trail!
The final Bullseye Scavenger Hunt of the summer proved to be the most exciting and challenging for youth and adult archers. They agreed it was everything they had hoped and they felt great with their results on August 23.
“The archery scavenger hunt gives something more to look forward to as kids use a combination of their focus and parent involvement in a family friendly activity,†said Ingrid Byer.
“The scavenger hunt is a great way to end the day because competitors are done with archery and now building teamwork with families and new friends,†added Ana Vaccaro.
Ninety-nine percent of the competition consisted of the archery, which took place on the Sundance Archery Range where it is sponsored. Youths and adults began the day by shooting 10 arrows at 10yds within four minutes for best score using bows without any sighting devices. All participants received prizes, but the top two males and females received additional prizes. The remaining one percent of the competition consisted of a photographic scavenger hunt, which gave points for fast walking and finding items in quick fashion at Downtown Clermont Famer’s Market. The participants worked as a team. All participants found 12 items in less than 15 minutes. Carey Miller, Sundance Manager and Archery Sponsor, wins competition and gives high five to runner-up Indaya Byer who enjoyed competing with Miller.
The top male archer was Matteo Vaccaro, 8, with his score of 64 points. Runner-Up was Cody Warner who is 6. Warner improved by 18 points from his previous competition of this same distance.The only adult in the competition was Carey Miller who won first for females with her score of 87xx and this was her first archery competition. The former Champ, Indaya Byer, took second with her score of 84x. This was the first time Byer got an “x†in competition, which is the center of the bullseye and the tiebreaker in archery. Back on August 4, Byer won an “archery fitness” challenge, which took place at National Night Out where she won a head band (which turns into an archery arm guard and finger guard). Five competitors won various head bands during the 2015 “Archery Fitness” Challenge at National Night Out
“I felt amazing. The competition was more interesting with Carey Miller. I am glad she competed,†said Byer.
Some of the kids were longing for this competition. The competitive Matteo Vaccarro is one archer who has been waiting for this day. When he first began training seriously for archery in the spring, he would achieve 64 points after shooting nearly 100 arrows in one hour. Now, he shoots 64 points in less than 4 minutes with just 10 arrows.
“There was no pressure to win because I knew that if I lost, then my friends would win instead and I would be happy for them,†said Vaccaro who showed great sportsmanship.
“This is one sport my son enjoys the most. It’s challenging and helps him focus. The layout of this event is great because participants learn about safety and proper form in archery prior to competing, which helps them to do their best,†said Vaccaro’s mom, Ana.
One beginner, Zeke Archer, really improved after taking the free archery prep session. He really grasped the skills and brought his A game and performed very well when it really counted. Izzy Shea was the only archer shooting with a left bow, while being right-handed and left eye dominant, which is challenging for coordination. She did very well for her first-ever archery competition. Weber reviewing Carey Miller’s top score of 87xx. Miller is active in the Sundance Apt. Community as the manager where archery is sponsored. She believes everyone should take advantage of opportunities and she certainly has taken a Top Shot at this one!
Participants enjoyed the farmer’s market scavenger hunt and met new vendors including but not limited to Rent-A-Hen, Encore, Let’s Tie One On, Donna’s Doodads, and Hip Klip Cell Pocket Accessory.
“The scavenger hunt stretches your mind to look for more things. It is similar to archery. I liked going into the Encore shop where I found oversized scramble,†said Byer. Let’s Tie One On provided the prizes to the Top 2 Male and Female Archers. Left to right: Indaya Byer, Coach Alicia Weber, Matteo Vaccaro, Carey Miller (and not shown Cody Warner). Copyright @
“Leave your comfort zone and challenge yourself to try something new and fun. It feels awkward at first. Once you get the hang of it, then it’s a lot of fun,†said Miller who encourages adults to compete in future events, especially at the Sundance Archery Range where archery is sponsored.
Alicia Weber has year-round innovative archery and fitness programming and can be reached at
Three young ladies took on the challenge of training in a varsity dual archery-fitness advanced program and landed a world’s first ever obstacle archery relay record on November 11.
Danielle Siracusano, 13, Alexis Taylor, 16, and Morgan Hassell, 16, opted for archery and archercise (archery and exercise) for their fall archery program.
Alicia Weber created “archercise” and holds 17 official Record Setter World Records in various archercise events. Alicia Weber is the World’s Most Prolific Record Setter in Physical Fitness with over 500 records set since 2008.
The girls trained in a progressive six week program, which focused on cooperative learning, mental and physical conditioning, and advanced archery skills. All the archers had the opportunity to see how far they could grow in the program. They could strive for a level five varsity archery status. Siracusano, Taylor, Hassell, and Nick Linkiewicz were the only four archers to achieve level 5 status.
Determined Hassell picked up a bow and arrow for the first time and jumped from level one to the highest scorer in level 5 in a competition on November 8. She anchored the first ever obstacle archery relay and finished in 10 minutes flat. Their official record is published at Record Setter World Records.
The dynamic Taylor took her gun-shooting background and fast footwork from track and became an instant success in archery and archercise. She had the fastest leg in the relay with her time of 3:16.
Focused Siracusano has shown great leadership qualities ever since she blossomed as the number one female archer in a five day advancement camp this past summer. She led the relay and established the top archery score with her 36 points. The girls garnered a total of 84 points in archery, which are converted to 84 seconds taken off the final time bringing the final time to 8:36.
All the girls began the relay with a 200 yard dash. Then, without wasting anytime they whipped out 15 consecutive pushups. Immediately after that they each performed a different 10 yard multi-dimensional aerobic exercise. Finally, they grabbed a bow without any sighting devices. They had to shoot a quick descending ladder of distances from 50 yards to 10 yards (2 arrows per target).
“I want to do this again and work on improving my time,” said the motivated Hassell.
Emily Woodhouse, a spectator watching in amazement, commented, “It was fun to watch. As a runner, this sounds like so much fun. I hope to join the program this spring.”
“It was very interesting. A lot of young people will want to do this event,” said Meredith Johnson.
For more information in joining the varsity archery program and Central Florida archery contact
Contact Alicia at for competitive archery opportunities in Central Florida.Alicia Weber, World’s Most Prolific Strength and Endurance World Record Holder (with over 600 WRs) and experienced fitness trainer is now offering archery! Alicia Weber offers private archery coaching, obstacle archery conditioning, and competitive archery opportunities in Central Florida. Alicia Weber is a Level 2 USA Archery Instructor and Recordsetter “Archercise” World Record Holder.
A group of athletes Alicia trained in “archercise” commented, “Fitness was never so much fun!”
Tyler Horn on his way to an Obstacle Archery World Record!
“Obstacle archery conditioning worked on my overall fitness, which carried over into all my sports,” he mentioned.
Alicia’s obstacle archery and “archercise” have been popular with youth and adults alike looking to increase physical fitness and mix in hand-eye coordination, accuracy, and precision.
Alicia worked with Nick Linkiewicz who won overall in the first ever archery tournament at his Winter Garden, Florida, school. He competed in 10 meters and 15 meters for highest score.
Alicia Weber offers year round archery. It is the first program of its kind in Central Florida. Any athlete kindergarten – grade 12 and adults can join.
Alicia has established challenging physical fitness archery world records at 40yd targets and holds over 15 “archercise” world records.
Join Alicia Weber for Archery and Get on Target for A Winning Way TODAY!!
Contact Alicia for more info at