Let’s Hear it from these Top Senior Athletes!
Roxanne, a long time triathlete wished to try to run before her 1 yr anniversary of her leg rehabilitation. She stopped competing after the rehab and the itch to compete is back. She attacked a Florida 5k on December 17, 2011, unsure of the results and if she really could run the entire event.
Roxanne said, “At starting line, I was nervous and not sure what my body could do. I was shocked as I finished and ran the whole time! I pulled through with Alicia’s training in a time of 1:01:54.”
The Determined Roxann set bigger goals. On Feb 25, 2012, Roxann improved her time by nearly 3 minutes in her 1st race now after her 1 yr anniversary from a leg rehabilitation as she ran a Groveland, Fl 5k in 58:55.
Roxann said after that race, “The race seemed shorter and easier. I was a lot more confident and more at ease at the starting line and I remembered all the pointers Alicia gave me.”
Roxann is now looking ahead to her first triathlon season, since having a leg rehab and is excited about the prospects. I ask Alicia, the Top Orlando Coach, what her thoughts are about Roxann’s improvements.
Alicia said, “I support Roxann’s goals and I am positive about her continued success. I see her confidence, strength, and endurance constantly improving and it is a joy to work with her and get her to her goals and beyond!”
Alicia has also guided a top senior owner/handler in Dog Shows to top running performance with her winning show dog! These Dog Shows are about Dashing with the Hounds and being critiqued on everything from gracefulness in your run with your dog and overall appearance. Cherie and her dog Angel, have been in the Winner’s Circle.
Alicia trained Cherie in running to prepare her to win AKC Championship with her Saluki Angel. On December 16, 2011, at the Saluki Specialty Central Florida Kennel Club, Cherie and Angel earned The AKC Championship,which allows them to compete in the Special with other Champion dogs.
After winning this title Cherie exclaimed, “It was a very big goal and roar from the crowd when the judge pointed to Angel and I – It was a joy to know I did this in my Golden Years and with Alicia’s help I can continue showing with the highest level of competition.”
In Feb, 2012, Cherie and Angel competed in their first Special with other Champions where Angel won “Best of Opposite Sex” at Lakeland-Winter Haven Kennel Club. This was Angel’s first time competing with other champions!
Cherie exclaimed after this victory, “For her first time and how young she is – Angel is the youngest champion in that ring and winning. It will be a real challenge now competing in Best of Breed and trying to get into the Hound Group because the groups are so dominated by professional handlers. Owner/handlers like me are in a minority in the groups.”
I ask Alicia how she feels training a champion show dog owner/handler as this is Alicia’s first experience training one. Alicia replied, “Cherie is so fun to work with and she has a great attitude and I knew I had the abilities to get her on her winning way. I am ready for new challenges and I am enjoying this challenge of training an owner/handler.”
And in fact, Alicia is UP for some more challenges as she now prepares these 2 senior athletes to set their first world records! These 2 senior athletes will be participating in Worldwide World Record Day on April 18th, 2012, under Alicia’s tutelage as they attempt tough and inspiring records.