By: Weber Way to Wellness Reporter
It has been a very busy March 2022 for Alicia Weber – World’s Most Prolific Female Record Holder and strength and endurance athlete. She turned 42 in style…released new strength and flexing show, saw her “Birthday Ghost” in Mt. Dora, FL, attempted to feed cows for the first time, visited the Howey Mansion, won a cross country race, competed in her 13th world championship, re-set 4 pull-up world records, and re-set 2 challenge records (and more).

She is happy to kick back and reflect on her March achievements and prepare for the future. She had been training for several months to do her first 5k indoor row race. She competed in the Women’s International Day 5k row event and exceeded her goals with a time of 21:38.4 (ranking her 55th lightweight woman in the world) on March 8.
The following day on March 9th she competed in her 13th World Championship – the 1k Sprint Indoor Rowing World Championship. She was very happy to place 35th in World for lightweight women even though she was 10.8 seconds off her best time. She had not done any of her usual sprint interval training to build up for the event, since she had been focusing on distance training.

She re-set a series of aerobic pulling exercise records mixed in between her races. On March 6th, she improved a pull-up by 5 reps for consecutive pull-ups with 15 steps per rep (15). On March 10, she broke the youtube hanging 100 leg lift challenge record (re-setting it with 2:20). On March 11, she improved the moving monkey bar consecutive pull-ups by 2 reps (now with 38). On March 14, she improved the consecutive chin-up with 15 steps per chin-up to 14 reps. On March 19, she improved the consecutive hammer grip pull-up with 15 steps per rep to 15 reps. The aerobic pull-ups are more challenging than a regular pull-up due to the increased heart rate. Her heart rate was 120-130 bpm or about 30 beats per minute faster than doing regular pull-ups. Plus, there are more muscle groups utilized in the aerobic pull-ups.

On March 5, she competed in a clay trail race at Showcase of Citrus in Clermont, Fl. It was a competitive field of seasoned cross country runners. She won the women’s race with a 5 second lead on 2nd place and 6 second lead on 3rd place. It was a nail biting finish that she has not had since 1996 at the Junior Olympic National Championship 1500 meter final. Weber won bronze in 1996, but 1-2-3 places were within a couple seconds at the finish line. The finish in this cross country race reminded her of the 1996 Championship 1500 meter race.
On March 19, Weber completed a 5k cross country run for the USA Not Parkrun Series. It was a fairly flat course with flat, low cut grass. She completed it in 18:40 (her 2nd fastest time ever and season best).

On March 24, Weber did a personal assessment (not a race) for her vo2max in a 1.5 mile run test. She completed it on a flat, grass course. Her time was 8:23. She came through the mile in 5:52. Her score was off the charts for females and males in her age group with 61 ml/kg/min for aerobic capacity wellness and lung capacity result.
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