By Weber Way to Wellness Reporter
OCTOBER 14, 2017 IN CLERMONT, FLORIDA—-Six brave, motivated young men became the first group of Young Men at the NEW, empowering Champion Circle program this weekend. The talks by all of the professionals instilled that the boys are born to be champions. They are marked with greatness and they are to run their race with perseverance. In the organized program with many career development opportunities, they begin a process of identity and discovery. They will become volunteers and learn about giving back to get so much more out of life. They initiated a 4 month transformation process to begin winning in finances, school, sports, and life!

Alicia Weber, The Barrier Breaker Coach, will guide the young men in fitness and wellness or as she calls it “mind and body training” in a wide range of innovative activities. Alicia may not win every race (she has 117 career victories out of 249 competitions to date), but it is the winning mindset that creates real winners. In fact, these young men will learn from Alicia that it was in her greatest loss when she was able to grow and achieve her greatest wins. Are you prepared to handle the obstacles? Can you congratulate a competitor when he/she wins? Can you stay positive and look at the bright side in your greatest defeat? Can you work overtime to get to goals? Do you visualize success and positive images on a daily basis? Are you disciplined in your diet, exercise, and emotional well being? If you answered “yes” to all of the above questions, then you are on the RIGHT track to winning in life, which is the ULTIMATE GOAL.
Some of the Game Changers in this program include Patrick Backer (Identity an Discovery), David Taylor and Kate Toscano (Business, Financials, and More), Otis Taylor (Volunteerism), William Graff, and Justin Nichols and others. We could not do this program without our sponsors including but not limited to South Lake Church and Chick-fil-A. Thank you parents for supporting your son in this phenomenal transformation process to make him the best he can be!
Stay Tuned for 2017-2018 Champion Circle Transformation!!