BY: Weber Way to Wellness Reporter
Alert-Alert Get your army of white blood cells, antibodies, and lymph vessels ready to kill the greatest enemy of 2020 – Covid 19. Oh no, what if the lymphocytes are too low (B cells, T-cells, and Natural Killer cells and other immune cells)?? No Problem…BUILD your body and boost it NOW by doing the following things EVERYDAY to get your immune system in peak performance for a sneak attack!! It will come down to your immune system for your greatest chance of survival.
1.) VITAMIN C is needed daily with at least 75-90 milligrams a day. However, most studies show 500-2,000 milligrams a day are needed to achieve great results. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables each day (focus on different colors red, green, yellow, orange to get phytonutrients to protect against free radicals).
Vitamin C boosts immune cells that can engulf harmful bacteria and particles. Studies have shown it can reduce lung inflammation in severe respiratory illnesses. High dose of IV Vitamin C have been administered for Covid 19 patients to improve lung function.
2.) DRINK WARM LEMON JUICE everyday. Squeeze one fresh organic lemon into a mug and add some warm water. Sniff the steam for one minute and then slowly drink the warm lemon drink with a straw to limit erosion of teeth enamel from citric acid. The warm lemon enzymes are more effective at killing and preventing the virus. This drink rehydrates and sweeps the virus away through the warmth as the virus neutralizes in warm liquids. James Lind “Father of Naval Medicine” discovered a cure for scurvy in 1747 – a lemon and 2 oranges a day were found to cure sailors of scurvy.
3.) EAT A KIWI FRUIT a day. The shocking news is that the little brown, fuzzy fruit contains two to three TIMES more Vitamin C than an orange!! As a prolific strength and endurance record setter, the kiwi fruit has been a source to my relentless vitality. I eat kiwi fruit to fight tiredness and fatigue and keep consistent energy. I have been eating the fuzzy kiwi, since a kid when I referred to it as a “baby gorilla egg.” You can also eat a kiwi faster than eating an orange, which makes it a quick pick-me-up.
4.) THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE is MEDICINE. Start with deep breathing in your nose for 10 seconds and then exhale out your mouth for 10 seconds and repeat 3 times in row to start your day and clear the airways . You want to successfully complete without coughing or discomfort. This prevents/shows no infection. Therapeutic exercise with Alicia Weber prevents injuries/health issues or can repair health problems by engaging mind and body with multiple muscles groups working in a slow-controlled manner to stretch and strengthen. Below are examples of therapeutic exercise.
5.) GET A minimum 7 – 8 Hours of SLEEP each Night. Getting proper, regular deep sleep repairs your body and strengthens your immune system in conjunction with eating a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, wild fish, grass fed beef, and eggs.
6.) REDUCE STRESS by taking up new activities in times of “stay-at-home and social distancing” orders. Studies at the Harvard Business School found that engaging in learning new things reduced stress more than relaxing and taking a break! Why not learn new things and make $$$!!?? Contact Alicia to learn about an exciting online job opportunity at
7.) DO WEEKLY GROUNDING aka “Earthing.” I do this at least once weekly. Take 20 minutes in the sunlight for your daily dose of Vitamin D (immune system booster), while going barefoot in the grass. Spend time walking barefoot, standing barefoot, and doing exercises barefoot to not only strengthen 100 muscles in your feet, but to reduce inflammation and set the body in tune with earth’s natural electromagnetic frequency. Grounding counteracts the negative effects of man-made EMF from wireless devices and greatly strengthens the immune system.
8.) EAT A HEALTHY SNACK OF CASHEWS. A handful of cashews are full of zinc that can fight infections and heal wounds. Zinc is known to reduce the duration of a cold. Cashews are a good source of iron and copper as well, which increase red blood cells and give the body more energy (copper helps increase bone density and prevent fractures). Cashews contain proanthocyanidins, which are compounds that suppress cancer cell replication. The magnesium and potassium help with muscle contractions. Cashews are known to relieve migraines. I eat a handful several times a week.
9.) HEAL YOUR BODY WITH SOUND and BOOST IMMUNITY. Healing with sound dates back to ancient Greece when musical sounds attempted to cure mental disorders. It is believed that higher vibrating frequencies of sound repair damaged tissue within cells, while diseases, sickness, and depression vibrate at lower sound frequencies. Advocates of sound therapy claim they have been healed of mental illness, arthritis, cancer, and other diseases.
10.) DO NOT USE IBUPROFEN (aka Advil, Motrin, or Nurofen)!! Studies at Lancet Medical Journal and studies on covid 19 patients are showing that ibuprofen speeds the spread of the virus and inflames the lungs. Instead of playing with fire, we can get rid of headaches and body aches a natural way…get extra sleep (stop and take a nap), eat every 3-4 hours, and drink plenty of water (especially alkaline water, which has an increased pH and removes toxins out of body better). I drink alkaline water to remove excess toxins after intense workouts and to rid headaches. If these methods are still not working, you can use acupressure points to remove a headache (a video demo is here).
Tackle these 10 Steps and you are on your way to a healthier, happier tomorrow!!
Alicia Weber brought in 40 years during the Coronavirus pandemic. Below you can view her 40th Birthday photo shoot, Coronavirus Vaccine comedy skit, and record-breaking feats leading up to her 40 years!!