WEBER WAY TO WELLNESS REPORTER 9/13/21— Blog is now 11 years old! Take an inside look at the personal growth and trends of the “Weber Way to Wellness” blog in 2021.

When Alicia began her blog in 2010, she focused on areas of wellness that she felt needed the most attention – the core! Eighty percent of Americans have back problems. She focused on teaching that muscular weakness is the cause of their back aches and pains. She published detailed articles with specific muscles revealed in various core exercises and how these muscles prevent pain and get the body strong. Most of her clients would learn a couple back exercises and stretches from her and all their pain would be gone in 2 weeks (plus they would get off meds). She had a blog following with senior citizens. The “Back” articles were always in the Top 3 Most Popular articles on her site.
When Alicia started setting physical fitness records at Recordsetter and was first recognized as the World’s Most Prolific Female Record Setter in 2012 – her record breaking feats out-performed her back articles. Her record breaking took center stage on her blog. Then, in 2013 when she recognized her youth archery fitness exploits – her following grew to all age groups! Kids were wanting to excel in her archery programs, so that they could get featured on her website.
The blog evolved where long paragraphs of detailed info and pictures were popular at first, but in 2021 her audience is more visual. Her audience likes to have many pictures and many videos within a blog entry and shorter paragraphs (less writing). Fans enjoy better quality videos and now prefer videos from because of the picture quality rather than other video sites. The blog readers would like a lot of excitement within the blog entry to keep their attention and cause them to re-visit. The blog updates are now less frequent due to the deluge of information posted in one single blog entry (with the multitude of videos and pictures per blog entry).
Alicia loves receiving fan mail. She also learns a lot from her fans. For example, one fan told her to put on a cape and her videos would get even more views – WOW – it worked! She wore a cape in a long video and the video went viral! In a short period of time, she got 5,000 views on it. Fans also provide ideas for future videos. One fan has given Alicia many ideas for new tough records to break and she has made those records a reality!
Over the years, most fans of Alicia’s videos and blog want to know if she is naturally strong, had to work to get strong, and when did she realize she was strong. As far back as a toddler, Alicia greatly desired to be strong, lean, and fast. She would walk up a 1,000 meter hill as soon as she learned to walk and she did calisthenics. As far as her strength is concerned, she felt she would be a world record holder one day by the time she was in first grade. She was always very athletic and energetic and dreaming about records. As a youngster, one of her favorite hobbies was climbing trees. In a 3rd grade class, Alicia climbed a 20 foot rope up and down 5 times in a row , while no one else could climb up to the top of the rope even one time. She remembered the awe-shocking look on faces. In shock a teacher dropped her pencil and flopped down a grade book. It was in this moment that Alicia knew she had tremendous strength and many great things were ahead. is about teaching effective ways to improve health, fitness, and wellness all based on her own results and client results. Additionally, Alicia wants to recognize client achievements and her own record breaking and sport achievements to motivate and inspire others to keep moving.