CENTRAL FLORIDA 8/24/21 —After a long hiatus from the Archery, Coach Alicia Weber, will bring back the Fall Agility Archery season in September!! Classes are filling up, but spots are available—Contact Alicia at Awinningway@gmail.com to join the Youth Archery Fitness, Sports, League for ages 5-18 and get on a team! Jump into a unique fitness where all equipment is provided and youth build strength, stamina, quick reaction time, memory recall, attention to details, coordination, and self-esteem!!

KEEP UP WITH WEBER—Since April 2021, Alicia has won 4 USA Parkrun Series (Virtual races) on cross country courses during the hot, humid months in Central Florida. Her best 5k time of 20:21 was faster than last summer (2020 summer cc best for 5k was 20:49). Additionally, Alicia adds SKi Erg as her 18th Sport with TOP 10 Finishes!! Alicia competed in the SkiErg July World Performance Series and placed in the top 10 in 4 events!! Her best event (placing 7th woman) was the SkiErg 5k in 24:50.4. Back on July 9th, Alicia shaved 28 seconds off her personal best in the 4k Bike Erg World Championship where she did her best to date placing 57th woman in the world out of 108 women in new PR of 8:37.6. Last but not least, Alicia competed in the last 5k Clay Trail Race in Clermont (where the road will be paved soon). The race is up and down 6 huge, steep hills. Alicia placed 3rd woman and 15th overall out of 200 competitors. TRAIN WITH A CHAMPION AND BECOME A CHAMP TOO! Contact Alicia at Awinningway@gmail.com for in person or virtual personal training.
BELOW ARE 4 TABATA WORKOUTS Alicia Completes in record style…they have been researched by Japanese scientists and proven to greatly improve athletic performance and Vo2max lung capacity. In fact, research has shown that 4 Tabata workouts 4 times a week (16 minutes total) had much greater fitness results than 5 one hour workouts at moderate intensity a week (5 hours total)!! Click here to learn more Tabata Workouts and the Proven Results
Squat + Bounce Squat = 1 rep (20 secs On + 10 sec rest) X 8
-2 minutes of rest-
Push-up + bounce push-up = 1 rep (20 secs On + 10 sec rest) x 8
