Contact Alicia at to join the 2020 Self Defense Archery Program for ages 6-18.
Learn all the RIGHT MOVES and COMPETE TOO! Click here for more info.
Alicia began 2020 by re-setting a Recordsetter world record she held for 3 years, but she made it even tougher… It is the consecutive staircase pull-up record with 15 steps per rep. She first set record on 1/20/2017 with 10 reps… Now, see the new benchmark.
2019 RECAP: The Red Rubies won their 6th Team Title in the Archery Fitness League out of 10 Championships. For the first time, a Groveland boy (From Growling Tigers Team) won the individual Championship title and led his team to their best team finish of second place out of 5 teams. Returning multi-champion, Raven, of Team Anime utilized Qigong to take a big lead and win after holding a 3-way tie with two other girls. The anticipation for the Spring 2020 Self Defense Archery season is very high after everyone aced the self defense and greatly improved their archery in the fall.
Alicia “World Record” Weber excelled in her sports. She added her 18th individual sport in 2019 and competed in her 8th World Championship in the 2019 World SkiErg Sprints (1,000 meter). She only trained for 6 weeks and had weekly massage to help recover and perform her best in minimal amount of time to learn a new skill. She met her time goal for her first ever 1k race and placed 167th in the world out of 748 women!!

Alicia weighing in at only 112 pounds competed in the skiErg where extra weight adding momentum can be a competitive advantage. Alicia focused on using proper form engaging her core and triceps properly and came through the 1,000 meters in 4:25.9 to place 167th out of 748 women in the world.
Alicia moved on to setting more challenging records this year. She was not setting records at the pace she was previously accustomed to (one record every 42 hours). LOL She slowed down her pace to focus on developing more challenging workout record categories termed “World Record Weber Record Breaking Workouts”… In these workouts she may need to break a current record and then add more new records within the workout. Her goal was to set one a month. She ended year with 14 new record breaking workout records. You can follow these workouts at the link below.
Members of Alicia’s Archery Fitness League can partake in many special opportunities throughout the year such as developing Improv Comedy, competing in different sports outside archery, working on their Art skills, attending group sporting events, and learning many other skill sets. Contact Alicia for more info at