World Record Weber wishes all of her fans a Very Merry Christmas 2020 and Happy New Year 2021!! She is celebrating by producing a NEW one-of-a-kind Show available at VideoTeasing called “Mesmerizing Bicep Flex”. In addition, she re-set 3 Very Tough World Records and performs 4 NEW challenges for the VERY FIRST TIME.
Alicia first completes a “Workout for a Bicep Pump” as shown here BEFORE performing her Up Close Bicep Flex Show.
Now, for the Countdown of Records for Christmas and New Challenges leading upto Christmas 2020! After many unsuccessful attempts, Alicia finally broke two very tough consecutive speed records, which stood for 4 years!!
Alicia raised the bar to 95 reps on 12/3/20 to set a New World Record at Recordsetter in the Flexed Hang Hammer Grip Bent Knee to Elbow Reps record.
Then, on 12/8/20 Alicia broke another similar record that is even harder – Now 82 is New World Record at Recordsetter for the Palm Away Grip Flexed Hang Bent Knee to Elbow for Reps Record.
On December 6th Alicia finally broke the consecutive archer dip world record for the 7th time with 29 reps!! Only minutes later, she executed (for the first time) a NEW challenge category known as 50 consecutive “two-hands-on-the-bar” monkey bar walk for fastest time…she went one minute.
Then, Alicia took a week to focus on training. Then she resumed her final 3 NEW Challenges for the Countdown to Christmas 2020 on the afternoon of December 19, 2020. She made her first attempt to complete 100 consecutive “two-hands-on-the-bar” monkey bar walk. She did fall short of her goal, but still did her best ever with 69 shown below. Next, she completed for the VERY FIRST TIME the challenge to jump 26 inches high for fifty consecutive jumps for fastest time – her time was 3:39. Alicia is only 62 inches, so she was jumping almost half her height. She took a rest day on 12/18/20 to prepare the fast twitch fibers in her legs to do this event! Last but not least, she saved what she considers her “easiest” event for last. It is a new speed challenge for the 20 ft “two-hands-on-the-bar” Monkey Bar L-sit Climb for fastest time…she went 19 seconds with strict form.

Alicia will be available in 2021 ONLINE for personal training, life coaching, and nutrition consulting at