By Weber Way To Wellness Reporter
Alicia Weber’s youth team (ages 12 and Under) became the third largest youth team in the World (and first largest US team for third straight year) at the 2018 Indoor Rowing Sprints World Championship held in early March. Weber’s team trains out of Clermont, Florida USA with 13 youth athletes. The world’s largest youth indoor rowing team came from the College of Punaaula in French Polynesia (for the second straight year) with 28 youth athletes, while runner-up was a team in China with 21 youth athletes.
“Everyone was motivated to excel and it came down to everyone completing the 1,000 meter indoor rowing world competition including the second youngest female in the world who was on our team, in order to achieve our status,” stated the elated Weber.
Photos Copyrighted © 2018

The 2018 World Championship was the third straight year for the event and the goal was to attract the greatest participants into an intense sport of Concept 2 indoor rowing, which requires 86 percent of muscles to be worked at once. This year was the most competitive and largest world event thus far with 5,372 competitors from 66 countries. Weber also competed for the third straight year and improved her time and place. She performed a new personal best time for the 1k in 3:48.8 placing 21st out of 546 lightweight women (under 136lbs).
Click Lightweight Women results here.
Highlights on our youth boys team, Matteo (returning rower from 2017 World Championships) dropped an incredible 30 seconds to lead our team with a time of 5:40. Runner-up was Zak another returning rower who blazed his way to a new best time of 5:45.2. New rower, Ezra, did a marvelous job with his first time at 1,000 meters in a time of 5:52.8.
Click Boys (12 and Under) results here.
Highlights on our youth girls team, all 4 girls competed for the first time. Nina led our team with a fantastic time of 5:40.3
Click Girls (12 and Under) results here.
Team Awinningway youth team was excited for the challenge and now they can say they represented the USA in a World Championship!! When asked about their motivations to compete the answers varied from learning how to improve strength to doing an exercise to burn calories to seeing how fast they could go and if they could win!
Members of the team have been conditioning their bodies for the intense 1k World Championship by training in a strength and conditioning class with Weber or by doing Mind + Body Challenges as well as Body Challenges. The motivated youth athletes also learned about eating healthy as some made a visit to VIDA 365 for a hearty, healthy lunch and an Improv Comedy Workshop with Weber to challenge their mind and creativity!! Overall, the young athletes learned how important it is to get their mind and body fit and how to be positive with good sportsmanship to create a winning team! Congrats to Team Awinningway Youth Athletes on becoming third largest team in WORLD!!
Some youth team members make a visit to VIDA 365 for an Improv Comedy Workshop Lunch.
Youths Challenge World-Class Coaches with Questions in an Improv Skit
Some Youth Team Members trained in Mind + Body Training and Body Training (here Weber gives examples of these advanced training methods).
Contact Alicia at to enroll in her NEW Mind + Body Training Class for youth and adults.