Tag Archives: Clermont Florida Personal Trainer

“Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness” ebook NOW AVAILABLE at AliciaWeber.com/fit

By:  Alicia “World Record” Weber

My nickname is “World Record Weber” and my goal after achieving 30 world records covering all 5 areas of physical fitness was to write my book and publish it – I did just that with Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness!! 

Copyright © Alicia Weber

I have been a fitness trainer, nutritionist, aquatic therapist, and elite athlete for 15+ years and I found I was being asked the same types of questions over and over and many clients had the same concerns. Through my personal experiences, research, and education, I can give you the answers to these questions in a fun, simple way.  I make nutrition, health, and phyiscal fitness simple and I provide key exercises, stretches, and advice. This book also provides a 52-week training log with advice and motivational quotes for every week! 

Would you be interested in learning how to lose 7-10 lbs easily in 14 days, just by eating normal foods?
This is a regular achievement for someone in my programs and you will meet one client that did just that and more!  This is found in Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness!

Do you want to learn the 5 areas of physical fitness?  Would you be interested in learning some easy physical fitness tests to test for your 5 areas and discover your strengths and weaknesses?  From child to senior learn the moves and see what you can expect from the 5 areas of physical fitness in these simple tests found in this book.

Do you have sciatic pains, back problems, piriformis syndrome, plantar fasciitis, Charley Horses, chronic pains, or injuries that you are looking for a healing solution?
Learn the “Weber Ways to Wellness” in this book!

Are you a recreational or elite athlete looking for an edge or a diabetic looking to become a better eater, or someone looking for ways to stay tight and trim? 
This physical fitness book is for anyone looking to stay fit!

Click here to Make a commitment to a NEW YOU today with the ebook “Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness” at AliciaWeber.com/fit

Now, hear it from the customers that purchased “Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness” :

“I honestly can’t imagine life without Alicia.  I look forward to seeing her weekly. I have so many things I still want to learn & accomplish, but I have many goals that I’ve already conquered thanks to World Record Weber pushing me every step of the way!  Alicia’s “Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness” book helps hold myself accountable and I can easily track progress. It is a terrific complement to her training program.”
-Jenni, Runner-up in Alicia’s 2009 Fitness Challenge and 3rd place in 2010 “Lungfish Challenge”

“WORLD RECORD WEBER’S book, Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness, is unlike anything I have ever seen!  Alicia describes the 5 areas of physical fitness, shows how to do the exercises properly, and explains the tests that measure your level of fitness.  She even provides a 52-week log section to record your results. FABULOUS!  Since I am prone to back aches, I learned which exercises I should do.” – Claudia, Senior Citizen trying to stay fit!

“While many forms of exercise are all good (biking, hiking, swimming, running) they are based on repetitive movement. Numerous muscles are used very little or not at all.  Alicia’s book has a program that will indentify under-used muscles and muscle tightness (decreased flexibility).  This program increases flexibility and muscle balance, which is a well-known injury preventer.”
– James, long distance hiker (had partial tear in quadricep, now healed)

“With Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness, Alicia instills the power of commitment when you make a pledge for a ‘new you’ .  Having this book by my side, I know what stretches to do when I get stiff and how to prevent injuries.  I know my progress as I fill out the 52-week  training log. I learn how much water I should be drinking during exercise and throughout the day.  I learn key healing foods and most of all, I learned things I never knew before.  This is a book I keep re-reading and I can certainly say it has helped take me to another new level in athletics!   Your Winning Way to Physical Fitness is a REAL WINNER!”
-Chris, Recreational Athlete turned Elite Athlete

Lake County Florida Fitness Trainer, All-Around Athlete, & World Record Holder – Alicia Weber has Unique Programs FOR ALL!

By:  Weber Way to Wellness Reporter Click here to visit JD Productions.

Alicia Weber’s claim to fame might be her 30+ World Records in Strength and Endurance and her 60 victories among 10-sports, but her business is helping people in all areas of health, nutrition, and physical fitness and taking them to a whole new level!

She takes her 15+ years of serious athletic experiences and education and creates unique programs.  She has a popular personal training program that is geared for a busy person that does not want to spend hours working out and watching everything they eat.  Alicia says,”Thrity minutes a week commitment is the minimum needed to see results.”

For those in a rush, Alicia has a 2-week “Fat Flush Fitness Rush” program that has been successful and fun, but intense.  Jenni Satterfield participates in both programs with her husband Clyde.  Jenni says this about personal training with Alicia, “Alicia is an incredible trainer that believes in you, even when YOU don’t believe in yourself. She’s by your side doing the exercises with you during your session. She’s creative and thorough with her training. You’ll rarely do the same exercise twice, so there’s no chance you’ll get bored with your personal sessions. She has YOUR best interest in mind, carefully choosing exercises to focus on your needs & working on the goals that you’ve set for yourself.”

Jenni adds, “I took a session of “Fat Flush Fitness Rush” and Alicia pushed us to the next level. She won’t let you give up because she’s constantly encouraging you & she does the same exercises with you! I can now understand how just 14 days in the “Fat Flush Fitness Rush” program will give you positive results!”

Click here for “Fat Flush Fitness Rush” Schedule

Alicia has a sport nutrition program for all types of athletes.  One athlete is featured and he found Alicia’s guidance to be crucial in getting him to the next level in elite triathlon and running.  Alicia also has nutrition programs for non-athletes and she hosts regular fitness challenges to keep people focused on goals.

Clyde  Satterfield won a recent 4-week “Lungfish Challenge” that consisted primarily of tough water workouts.  Clyde says,  “I was very skeptical of Alicia’s water workouts. I didn’t expect to get much out of them at all. I’m a guy & I like to be in the gym! Well, she proved me wrong. I was impressed with Alicia’s workouts & the results they produced. It’s a nice change of pace from the gym. I highly recommend her aquatic training and Lungfish Challenge.  She makes them fun, but even more challenging.”

Also in the “Lungfish Challenge” the 4th place finisher was also on Alicia’s nutrition program and she took off a record 3 inches off her waist in 4-weeks!

Alicia’s programs cover all areas from aquatic therapy rehab to high intensity sport performance training.  She has worked with people ages 4-97 yrs old.  Here is a short list of some programs available in Lake County Florida (outside of the ones listed above):  water aerobics, dance classes, aquatic therapy, martial arts conditioning, programs to get military and cops in shape to pass the fitness tests, balance and coordination training, programs for people with arthritis, fibromyalgia, and diabetes, “Weight Loss by Water” program for obesity, running and triathlon coaching, and programs for better golf.
Alicia has ongoing programs in Lake County Florida and she can be reached   at  Awinningway@gmail.com  or on Facebook.


Photo By Adam Gardner

*Alicia is a degreed and certified fitness trainer and nutritionist.  She has degrees in Communication and Biology and she was in a Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program.  She is a University of Florida grad where she ran for U.F.  and  was  a letter winner in track and field and cross country.

Alicia works with athletes in ALL SPORTS in sport specific-injury prevention programs. 

Below is a list of her career highlights ( just from 2007-2010) in Alicia’s 10-sports.  Key =  * by listing means Championship Event

Physical Fitness Challenges:
May 27, 2010 – Alicia sets 5 Maximum Strength World Records within 45 Minutes!
Feb 6 – March 9, 2010 – Alicia Sets 11 World Records and 2 Rare Strength Feats in 33 Days!

* Jan 31, 2010  Southern Sprints Indoor Rowing Championship and World Qualifier
Open Ltwt Women 500 m 1:49.5  2nd Place   Open Ltwt women 2k 8:21.9 5th place
*  Dec 6, 2009 Xterra Half-Marathon Mountain Run World Championship
(considered world’s toughest half-marathon) 40th Woman in the World
*Nov 22, 2009 Lithia Trail Half-Marathon Championship (largest trail run in Southeast)  1:40.25  3rd place
Nov 8, 2009 Stand Up Paddle Boarding Poker Run  2nd Fastest Female
Sept 19, 2009 University Park 4-mile Cross Country 27:26  2nd place
July 14, 2009 Morton Plant Mease Triathlon (largest sprint tri in Southeast)  1:16.22  11th place Elite Female
* June 14, 2009 Master’s Open Water Swimming 1-mile National Championship 14th overall
* June 13, 2009 Florida State Games Sprint Kayak Championship 500m 3:32 1st place, 200m 1:26 2nd place
*April 2008 ITU Triathlon National Championship for Under 30 Elites
                           (2012 Talent ID Invitational) 9th place
*Nov  18, 2007  Lithia Trail Half-Marathon Championship (largest trail run in Southeast)  1:38.56  2nd place
Oct 21, 2007 UCF U Can Finish 5-mile  road race 33:08 10th place
August 19, 2007 Celebration of Running 3 mile road race  19:22 10th place
* August 18, 2007 1 mile Open Water Swim Publix Family Fitness Championship Series  20:27  10th place
* June 10, 2007 Florida State Games Sprint Kayak Championship 500m 3:40 1st place, 200m 1:36 2nd place
March 17, 2007 Ft. Desoto Park International Distance Classic Duathlon 10k run, Bike 23 mi, Run 5k  1st place

Are you wanting Quick Fat Loss and Fitness Gains in Central Florida? Solution is Here!

By:  Weber Way to Wellness Reporter

No time, money, or commitment, but a willingness to achieve fat loss and health results in a hurry can leave one confused in the direction to turn.  One thing is certain a magic fat loss pill won’t do the trick!

Alicia Weber – 30+  x World Record Holder, Fitness Trainer, and Nutritionist has a solution for you if you live in Central Florida and even if you don’t keep reading for quick success tips! 

If you live in Central Florida, Alicia has a 14 day program to guide one in both nutrition and fat loss to see results!  What is even better is that the price is right!  The first session is FREE and the rest of the 2 weeks only costs that of a 1-on-1 1hr fitness session. 

This is a special program limited to 15 people and it is only for a limited time.  Contact Alicia at Awinningway@gmail.com for more info and registration.  If you would like to take off between 7 – 10 lbs, reduce your waist size a few inches, or get ready to compete – then get on board for 2 weeks to get results like other clients!

Here are some quick tips to get your engine fired up and get your fat burning furnace cranking!!

1.)     Research has shown that if you eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal you can reduce your caloric intake by 200 calories!  Eating an apple a day can do more than keep the doctor away – it will also help in fat loss!

2.)    Rich in monounsaturated fats, unsalted assorted nuts can provide heart health and they can promote fat loss.  Next time you want a snack – reach for a big bowl filled with only a handful of nuts!  Why?  The big bowl helps with portion control – it makes you feel you are eating more and you eat less and satiate.  A handful of nuts are all you need to keep your engine running and metabolism kicking!

3.)    Although nutrition is 75% of the full healthy picture, little pictures have big ears!  Exercise is a little picture that performed with the right turbulence can turn one into a well-oiled machine!  Here’s a quick workout to keep the engine rolling!

Start with 2-3 sets and build to 5 sets
10 pushups (wall, elevated, or standard pushups depending on ability level)  Immediately after do 10 squats  = 1 set

GO ALL OUT and the goal is to do 3 sets under 3 minutes and 5 sets under 5 minutes!  This is a good “pick me up” routine to do once a day to fire it up!!

Alicia Weber, fitness expert with YourHealthUpdates.com – Shows How to Avoid Back Problems

Approximately 80% of adults are estimated to have some kind of back injury in their lifetime and 10 percent will suffer from a back re-injury, according to Premier back statistics.

The best way to prevent back pain is to become educated in the ways back injuries occur and form a preventative plan.  One of the top ways to avoid a back problem is to lift objects properly.  There are 7 different proper lifts that you can pick from to keep a healthy back and use your leg strength and not your back to pick things up the right way! Follow along with the video below that shows the 7 proper lifts as the lifting techniques are spelled out underneath.

Avoid Back Problems with the 7 Proper Lifts

  1.  Deep Squat Lift -  Do a full squat where hips are below knee level.  Arms and legs are parallel with an anterior pelvic tilt. Always keep object close for strong base of support – good for medium to heavy lower objects.  Grab object at the sides or under the bottom of the object.
  2. Traditional Lift – Get in standard squat position except feet are anteroposterior on each side of object.  Good for heavy, low objects – place object between legs  to maintain low center of gravity while wide base of support. 
  3. Power Lift -  Go into a half-squat for lifting taller and lighter objects where hips are above knee level.  Arms and legs are parallel – grab sides of the object, while maintaining a more vertical position with an anterior pelvic tilt.
  4. Straight Leg Lift – Knees can be slightly bent in this lift known for picking up grocery bags.  Grasp sides of the object and hold object close to the body.
  5. One-Leg Stance Lift – This lift is also known as the “golfer’s lift” and it is for very light objects weighing upto a couple pounds at most.  The body will go horizontal, while maintaining a straight back and always keep the front leg over the heel (making a 90 degree angle). The back leg can be straight or slightly bent. Again secure object close to body.
  6. Half-Kneeling  Lift – good for objects of various sizes and weights.  However, AVOID this type of lift if you have a knee problem! This is a useful lift for people of small stature with great balance. The goal of the lift is to secure objects close to the body before standing.
  7. Stoop Lift -  This is a great lift for an object  below waist level. This is the common lift for different types bags and/or items with handles (i.e. suitcase, purse, brief cases, pails, tool boxes, etc). Just partially flex hip and knees, while maintaining a straight slightly forward back.  Feet are shoulder width apart and slightly anteroposterior from each other.

I hope these tips help you “back up” and regroup and start rearing in the right direction in back health!  Remember:  Keep using your Legs and Rear Muscles when lifting and NOT your back!  For more info – Alicia Weber is a fitness expert with YourHealthUpdates.com

All-Around Athlete, Alicia Weber Sets 11 Physical Fitness World Records and 2 Rare Strength Feats in 33 days!

 By:  Alicia Weber

Click here to visit JD Productions.

Whenever I wasn’t exercising as a kid, I would kick back with a book on world record setting athletes and I would get enraptured.  I knew very early on I would be a world record setting athlete.  My doctor grandfather met many of the great athletes I read about and he shared stories with me.  He was a gastroenterologist  that wrote for the American Medical Association and he also knew that I would be a world record holder one day.  He had me be strict with my eating and exercise as he prepared me for a life of discipline and dedication to my passion —sports.

I was inspired most to read about the athletes of the 1920’s – 1960’s that overcame so much to set records and achieve extraordinary athletic achievements. The athletes of those days had to overcome war times, family and personal strife, and the Great Depression.  Today, I am now a world record setting athlete in many record books including…

Believe the Unbelievable: the Ultimate Book of World Records and the People who Pursue Them

I hold over 25 world records in strength, speed, and endurance.  From February 6, 2010 – March 9, 2010, I set 11 world records and 2 rare strength feats covering all 5 areas of physical fitness.

Muscular Strength and Endurance:  I started my world record rampage by re-setting my former 1 hour pullup world record by more than 150 reps for 721 reps an hour(enroute to re-setting my 30-minute WR) on February 6, 2010.  I then re-set my 1 minute, 3 minute, and 1 hr chin up world records.  In early March I became the 1st Woman to set an endurance 1-Arm Pushup World Record by completing 105 reps in 10-minutes. See here for Official Pullup/Chinup  and Pushup World Record Results.
One Arm Pushups

Alicia’s One Arm Pushups

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

Cardiovascular Strength and Endurance:  During high school an easy day would be jump rope  running around the track 25 times for 10,000 meters. I would use a light weight speed jump rope.  The jump rope endurance training prepared me to set records and compete on the National level during high school in events from 800m -10,000m runs with U.S.A Track and Field.  I started in 7th grade and my best event was the 400m( I qualified for the 1996  Junior Olympic National Championship in that event) but didn’t compete as I focused on my distance running and became a National Champion in distance running.  Today, I started with the 400m jump rope track run and set a world record using a weighted 1.5lbs jump rope on February 21, 2010.  I then set 2 more jump rope world records with the weighted 1.5lbs jump rope in single-foot rope skipping for 30-seconds and 3-minutes.  Visit Alicia’s myspace to watch jump rope videos.

Flexibility and Abdominal Strength and Endurance:
On February 17, 2010, I completed 17 consecutive reps of Ring Dips in 1-minute to set a world record.  The ring dips were done in a difficult way to add the elements of both flexibility and abdominal strength and endurance in with the exercise. I kept my legs in L-Feat position with my legs perpendicular to my torso. *The hardest type of ring dips are where the legs are held straight out and parallel to the ground – those are officially called “Ring L Dips”.
Double Screen Showing of 17 Ring Dips

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

Note:  I also set an abdominal endurance world record on September 26, 2009 where I did 613 situps (legs held down, hands behind ears, elbows must touch lateral knee each time for rep to count) in 30-minutes.

 Balance and Stability:
From March 6 – 9, 2010, I did a variety of strength/balance pushups for records on 2 and 3 med balls measuring 22 cm diameter.  I did 35 reps of pushups while balancing on 3 med balls for an official world record.  I then did 2 other types of balance/strength pushups that  observers described as “rare and difficult”. These 2 other pushups were completed on 2 and 3 med balls with an elevated leg.  Due to the specialization and rare nature of these 2 types of pushups, they were not officially published in the current record books.  However, they may be entered in a future record book.  Med ball balance exercises are very common to Olympic Kayakers.  As a K-1 sprint kayaker, I need to constantly challenge my balance in order to become a better and stronger kayaker, since the sport at the highest level is about being able to balance on such a skinny, tippy boat.  Here are highlights of the 2 types of rare and difficult medicine ball pushups. 

2 Rare and Difficult Strength/Balance Feats

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

My current records are 6 reps for a minute of 1 elevated leg 2 med ball pushups (22 cm diameter) and 25 reps for 1 minute of 1 elevated leg 3 med ball pushups.  My World Records are also listed online with World Record Holder’s Republic and the Book of Alternative Records.  I continue to chase new world records and re-set my own.

Outside of world record setting, I compete in 10-sports as an elite athlete and I am a fitness trainer. Some of my sports include sprint kayak, triathlon, trail and mountain distance running, track and field, rowing, road racing, time trial bike racing, open water swimming, and stand up paddle boarding.  I have published a book on physical fitness and it is available online here.

*Learn more,  find Alicia on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/Awinningway
*I am also an entertainer and I do “character comedy”.  You can get a glimpse of my strength feats & comedy on youtube at ‘AliciaAndClan’

Talking Abs with Endurance Sit-Up World Record Holder – Alicia Weber


By:  Alicia Weber, Central Florida Personal Trainer Click here to visit JD Productions.

Due to recent requests by my fans, I made a 10-minute non-stop sit-up video (shown above) where the sit-ups get increasingly more difficult as time goes by. Sit-up endurance is definitely a measure of many muscles not just the Abs.  For one, a strong back is needed to sustain endurance and proper form in sit-ups.  Proper form is defined as legs bent and held down, arms bent and immovable with fingers placed above the ears.  Chin is away from the chest with a forward head placement.

For a rep to count – medial elbow on both arms must cross the lateral knee on both legs (back is perpendicular to ground at apex of situp) and then the lower back must flatten and touch floor. This is how to perform proper form situps for fitness tests.

Sit-ups are contraindicated for many people including those with spinal arthritis, back spasms, back injuries, low back pain, posture problems, weak backs, etc.  Back pain is the 2nd most common neurological ailment in the U.S. and over 50 billion a year is spent on back relief accordng to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes.  The first step in reducing back problems are finding the causes and taking steps to back pain relief and those answers are found on my page -  Time to Back-up and Re-Group!

A weak, sore, and fatigued back will be the first to give out during sit-ups.  The bending of the knees make the abdominal muscles work more as the upward pull of the torso from lying position to the bent knees involves the following abdominal muscles and other muscle groups:

1.)     The first 30-45 degrees (lifting the shoulder blades off the ground with full compression of the rectus abdominis m. ) involves external and internal obliques muscles acting like a corset as they tighten and flex around the rib cage.  The rectus abdominis m. is compressed.

2.)    Then moving from 45 degrees to full sit (where medial elbows touch lateral knees) are where the hip flexors become involved in the pull to sit and there is a high compressive load placed on the lumbar spine (where back extensor muscle strength is important or else one could risk injury).  In the initial pull phase, the hip flexors can lift the trunk from a lying posture toward the front of the leg in a sit-up.  These hip flexors include the iliacus m. and psoas major m. (flexes and laterally rotates thigh), tensor fascia lata m. (an abductor), and the pectineus m. (an adductor). Then, the rectus femoris m. and sartorius m. join in as they are the only muscles in the quadriceps muscle group involved as hip flexors. They originate at the pelvis and are involved with leg flexion as the hip crosses the pelvic femoral joint.

3.)    Going from full sit to about 45 degrees down the hip flexors are once again involved as well as the abdominal stabilizing muscles.  The tensor fascia lata m. assists with abduction, internal rotation, and flexion of the hip, as well as trunk stabilization.  *Controlling the back and maintaining proper posture are key especially in this phase (you don’t want to just fall back!!).  The back extensor muscles (mainly the erector spinae and multifidus muscles) are the main source for posterior stability for the spine and they oppose the force of gravity as they maintain erect posture and control forward flexion during a sit-up.

4.)    Finally from 45 degrees down to flattening of the back on the ground, the rectus abdominis m. goes from flexion to full length extension.  The rectus abdominis m. is a long abdominal muscle that begins at the pubis with the muscle fibers extending vertically and attaching to the cartilages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs (on the front part of the trunk).

Are Sit-ups really a good exercise and why do them?  Sit-ups are not a good exercise for everybody.  As stated in the 3rd paragraph, sit-ups are a No-No for anyone with any kind of back problem or back weakness.  Sit-ups are excellent exercise for a regular exerciser that does regular abdominal exercise and back strengthening  exercises.  Endurance sit-ups are a good challenge for hip flexors, back, and abdominal muscle groups. Although the emphasis should be abdominals with minimal hip flexor muscles working as in proper form sit-ups shown here.  Sit-ups can cover the full length of the rectus abdominis muscle in a way that can’t be achieved in a crunch or ab curl, or other (low back held down) ab exercise.   Your rectus abdominis m. and back should feel really stretched out, relaxed, and strengthened after sit-ups if you are conditioned and doing them properly.

Alicia Weber holds a 30-minute sit-up world record and she set the world record in the form explained above.  She is an Official World Record Holder published in The Book of Alternative Records , Believe the Unbelievable: the Ultimate Book of World Records and the People who Pursue Them , and others.
Alicia also holds the proper form 30-minute situp world record with RecordSetter World Records found here.

Natural News Show Review: Serious Strength for EVERY Body

By:  Alicia Weber, Fitness Expert with YourHealthUpdates.com 

I listened to a very captivating free show on Natural News with Host Jonathan Landsman interviewing Peter Ragnar.  I thought I would share some of the exciting and uplifting strength tips I received as Peter Ragnar shared his knowledge on strength that he gained from his education and from being a disciplined martial artists for over 50 years!

The # 1 problem with many people is negative, false conditioning.  If you feel arthritis setting in or get a back pain, some assume that it means they are getting old.  That’s negative conditioning.  How about asking yourself if you are stressed or if you have exercised lately?  Those two can be the answers to the problem.  Erase false conditioning!  How?  Get up and get moving!!!  Get the endorphins going and increase your energy level.  Even the simplest movements can be a start in the right direction – push the vacuum or just start with chair exercises.


It is a negative mindset that decays the body of strength.  As a person can get older muscle mass is lost, not because it should be lost.  It is lost because a person programs their mind that they should be weak because they are getting older and they don’t push themselves in strength exercises anymore.  Their muscles disintegrate at an alarming rate!  Deconditioning leads to decay=decrepit body=disease

Some may say,” I am elderly and I am afraid to move because I may break a bone!  Why should I build strength?”

Building muscle tissue produces body heat, which is important to elderly.  In general at any age, blood flow becomes sluggish with lack of exercise and people will not get nutrients to organs in a timely manner.  Building strength builds bone density, which builds strong bones.  It’s not about heavy lifting.  Building strength is about being capable of doing many daily activities with ease (i.e. hiking, climbing stairs, moving furniture, opening jars, carrying groceries, walking the dog, bicycling long distances, pulling weeds, and gardening, etc).  If you pull a weed and are worn out, then you are withering away and need to get your strength program revamped!

Are you struggling to exercise and unable to move forward in a strength program?
Your priority should be to become all that you can be in the gym and out of the gym.  When you take control of your body, you are empowered and that is motivation to get moving! 

What should my goals be in an exercise program to build strength?
*  Never compete with anybody except yourself.
*  Understand how stresses can effect your body.  If you have the right motivations- that alone will keep stress away.  *  Rest between each exercise session.
*  Don’t look in the mirror and notice how fat you are (if you are fat), but look in the mirror and visualize what you want to become and take note of positive changes like toning up.
*  Relax, take your time with exercise and you will get benefits and results.  Exercise + Rest = Body Growth

Strength TRUE or FALSE
1.)  A little exercise is good, A LOT is better – FALSE
2.)  Strength is needed in the heart, legs, arms, mind, and lungs to do anything – TRUE
3.)  Strength expands enjoyment in life and strengthens muscles, bone, tendons, and ligaments – TRUE

Learn more on Peter Ragnar and strength or get his book Serious Strength for EVERY Body

Alicia Weber – All-Around Athlete and Orlando, Fl, and Lake County Florida Fitness Trainer

By:  Alicia Weber
Pictures contained in the article are copyrighted to AliciaWeber.com

I take my years of experience in my many sports and I have devised a sport specific training program for athletes in their respective sports. My sports specific training program has helped athletes prevent injuries, win championships, win college sport scholarships, and get athletes to their goals and beyond as some testify on Clermont, Florida, Winning Way to Wellness. To date, the sports I have helped athletes excel at include football, track and field, swimming, marathon running, cycling, triathlon, open water swimming, short-course pool swimming, hockey, soccer, and others.

Christian Monsanto, Elite Triathlete and Runner

One athlete has taken my expertise a step further.  He sought me out for sport specific training and diet advice for the best antioxidants and nutrients as I am also a certified Sport Nutrition Consultant.

Christian says this about my guidance in sport specific training and sport nutrition consulting, “Alicia has elevated my level of health and race results by her expertise in sports training and nutrition.”

Do you want to prevent injuries and elevate your success in sports?

Attention Athletes ages 4 -100 living in Orlando, Fl, or Lake County Florida, you can enter Alicia’s Sport Specific Training program and get nutrition guidance that can give you an edge in any sport and improve overall health. Rates are reasonable and locations vary. Call today for a free consultation at 352-874-4363 or email Alicia at Awinningway@gmail.com

Alicia Weber’s 2009-2010 Sports Highlights

In addition to the sports highlights below, I am a strength and endurance world record holder with a variety of physical fitness world records.

January 31, 2010 Southern Sprints Indoor Rowing World Championships
Alicia Weber- Silver Medalist 500m, Indoor Rowing Southern Championships

In my newest sport, I competed in my first major indoor rowing competition and captured the silver medal in the 500m sprint. The Southern Sprints Indoor Rowing Championships serves as a World Qualifier for the C.R.A.S.H. B Sprints Indoor Rowing World Championship held every year in Boston.

December 6, 2009 Xterra World Half-Marathon Championships Kualoa Ranch, Oahu, HI

During a week in Oahu, HI, which included an invitation to train with the U.S. Marines, I competed in what is to be considered the “World’s Toughest Half-Marathon”. There are many factors, which make the event so tough including 1. Elevation – 2,900ft mountain climb 2. Competitors aren’t allowed to see or practice on the course till the morning of the event! 3. Temperature and Terrain Changes – The temperature at the start of the race was 65 degrees, but by the first mile on the black lava rock it escalated to nearly 90 degrees. By mile 11, runners held onto a rope to run down a slippery, muddy, narrow path. I can surely say with my many years of running on the elite circuit that this truly was the world’s toughest half-marathon! I became very dehydrated, but still finished as 40th Woman in the World. A total of 393 runners were in this world championship run.

Alicia as her popular Strength Character “Aussie Amanda” training with the U.S. Marines in Oahu, HI

November 8, 2009 First Annual SUP Poker Run Siesta Key Beach, Florida

Alicia Weber - 1st time on Stand Up Paddle Board

In an event that is about winning a game of poker as SUP paddlers chased to each boat grabbing a card, I was the 2nd fastest female finisher. However, I didn’t win the poker game. It was my first time on a stand up paddle board and my first SUP race. SUP is the fastest growing sport in Florida!


June 13 -14, 2009  Sprint Kayak and Open Swimming Championships


Alicia Weber - Gold Medalist 500m, 2009 Florida State Games

I did back-to-back Championships in 2 different sports that use the same muscle groups and I had great success! On June 13th I took the gold medal in the 500m K-1 sprint kayak race at the Florida State Games and then I captured the silver medal in the 200m K-1 sprint kayak race. The following day, I finished 14th overall out of the men and women in the Master’s Swimming 1-mile Open Water Championships in Ft. Myers, Florida.

*Alicia Weber is a featured World Record Holder in Strength and Endurance for the top fitness blog www.Speedendurance.com

Alicia is a Speaker & Performer at Women’s Health Event!

WINTER GARDEN, Fla (March 18, 2010)— Alicia Weber, the 17 x World Record Holder, celebrates women’s health month by being a guest speaker at Brite Nite held at Put a Cork In It at Winter Garden. Brite Nite is held one night a month to celebrate successes of women and it is a night where women build relationships, share trade secrets, enjoy food, and have fun! Brite stands for Beautiful, Resourceful, Intelligent, Thoughtful, and Emotionally-Connected! Alicia begins her talk by answering a question most people want to know about her and ends her talk by answering the question that she must answer – What makes her Brite? She will then go into her talk “Power of Strength” where she teaches by demonstrating 5 types of strength in her World Record Weber-style!


Alicia performs at Women’s Health Event!

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

 Next, Alicia showcases the successes of her fitness client that took 2nd place in the 2009 Fitness Challenge. This client overcame great obstacles to achieve great successes in a short amount of time and those challenges are discussed. Alicia’s client then demonstrates her fitness in a tough exercise.

Orlando Fitness Trainer Showcases Client Succeses!

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

 What do you think you could achieve in just 30-minutes? Alicia’s unconventional training is revealed as clients give their thoughts on their quick results in a short amount of time.

Fitness client gives testimony to unconventional methods

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

Fitness Training Newbie Gives Testimony of fun training

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

 Alicia puts all that she talked about in her speech “Power of Strength”( where she taught 5 types of strength) together in a simple, effective fashion. Busy women can now do this simple, effective strength and endurance routine several times a week to reap health benefits! 

Alicia’s Squat-Pushup Routine for Women!

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video


How to prevent or get rid of back? What exercises are good for back strengthening?

By:  Alicia Weber

If you are a person that believes walking briskly 30-minutes a day will take care of everything and there is no need for anymore exercise – THINK AGAIN!!

The primary muscles used in walking are the lower extremities including the hamstrings, quadriceps, adductors, gastrocnemius, and soleus muscles. There are other muscle groups involved that act as stabilizers such as the gluteals. Walking alone fails to strengthen back muscles properly and chronic low back problems are a growing trend in America.

A walking-only program is really only targeting one area of fitness of the 5 fitness areas – aerobic capacity wellness.

One common trend I find among exercisers that limit their exercises to walking are weak back muscles. On the same hand, if these walkers start adding back and abdominal-specific exercises into their routines they can get immediate gains in fitness and feel even better!

According to the National Health Interview Survey there was an increase from 3.2 percent of the population in 1997 to 8.3 percent of the population in 2006 that experiences chronic low back pain.

There are several possibilities as to why there is an increase in low back pain including
1.) increase in obesity
2.) increase in stress levels that trigger low back pain
3.) increase in depression that is linked to low back pain
4.) sedentary lifestyle with prolonged sitting
5.) improper ways to pick up objects, poor posture, or overall lack of care for the back
6.) failure to strengthen back muscles (in particular the Multifidus M.)

If you have back pain, what do you think is your cause? Finding the cause is one step closer to working on a solution. Overall, back pain is a choice. If you fail to strengthen your back, then you will fall back in overall health! The bottom line is to keep your back strong by doing back strengthening and stretching exercises (see below) to prevent back pain.

The multifidus muscle is a thin muscle found deep in the spine. It needs to be strong, sturdy, and stable to keep each vertebra working effectively. The multifidus muscle is the key muscle in the back that needs to not only contract to produce strengthening effects, but it must be elongated. The multifidus is the strongest muscle in the back and the key stabilizer in the back.

It is possible that traditional back surgery could disrupt the alignment of the multifidus muscle causing the spine to have trouble maintaining an upright position as well as create pain and discomfort. Minimally invasive spine surgeries can result in less disruption of the multifidus muscle and in turn cause less trauma than traditional back surgery. If one is seeking back help via physical therapy, chiropractics, or other methods of back relief and severe back pain continues, then it would be best to get an x-ray. Consistent pain is a sign of seriousness.

Back strengthening and stretching can never go out of style. In fact, I am a firm believer that a back exercise should be performed everyday at least once. It is important in the selection of the back exercise and performance of the back exercise in achieving results.

 For instance, if you want to use the back machine in the gym – work on doing greater reps and lighter weight (i.e. a 115 lbs person may just use 50lbs and do 15 – 20 reps even if they could easily use a lot heavier weight.). So back exercises ARE about endurance training and NOT about power training (heavy weight and high intensity). Over doing the back with intense exercise and heavy weights can strain the low the back and cause harm.

Whether you are new or a veteran of back exercises, there is one stretch that can really open up the back and all you need is a chair.

The Moving Warrior Pose is a great way to stretch and strengthen the back! Do this exercise for a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 2 minutes. Always start with just 1 set and over time build to doing several sets. The reaching out and stretching up and then reaching out and coming back in works gluteal stabilization, leg endurance, posture alignment, and stretches and contracts the Multifidus M. Once again, because the multifidus is such a small muscle in the back, we want to keep the intensity low and keep the exercise slow. Combine deep tortoise breathing with this moving warrior pose to get additional benefits. Try to do 2 – 4 breathing cycles/min or less. Read here if you want to learn more about tortoise breathing.


Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program even if it is for the back. When one is just starting back exercises the goal will be to work on more stretching. Once stretching is down, the person can add more strengthening. Focusing on the single multifidus muscle ( such as in the picture above in the gym back machine) is advanced and can be implemented into a back program overtime.  Learn more by reading BACK FAQS

The Multifidus M.