Tag Archives: April Earth Month

Earth Day 2023 Strength Records, Wild Spectators, and Tips for a Healthy Environment!

By: Weber Way to Wellness Reporter

4/20/23 CENTRAL FLORIDA…Earth Day 2023 comes in with a pull up on a sixteen year old oak tree with some unique strength records, while attracting wild spectators! Alicia Weber who has set hundreds of pull-up world records, since 2009 “pulled out” a few more NEW pull-up records involving the commando aka cliffhanger pull-ups to celebrate Earth Month this April.

Question: How many wildlife spectators came out to watch Alicia set these Earth Day records?

Keep reading to find out…Plus get some tips for your garden!

Alicia wanted to set some new records that would require healthy, large, old trees – to inspire growing and keeping big trees! The first of two records involves maximum strength and in particular grip strength. She used a a tree branch with a minimum circumference of 10 inches. The first record is very tough because it involves slower pull-ups with full range of motion and the “mixed” commando style grip. Every rep starts in a dead hang full extension with strict form. Then, finishes on one side where the shoulder touches the tree branch (a pause) and then return to full extension (with another pause). Then, repeat on the other side and continue till failure. She did 16 reps of the Consecutive Shoulder-to-Shoulder dead stop Commando Pull-ups on the thick tree branch.

Consecutive Shoulder to Shoulder Dead Stop Commando Pull-ups on Thick Tree Branch

Alicia performed another record on the same tree branch (16 year old oak tree/10 inch circumference tree branch). This record is very challenging mixed commando pull-up grip L hang (hanging with legs straight and parallel to ground), but then she finishes with one leg raise. The timer ends when she returns to L position hang. She did 1:07 for this timed event.

Thick Tree Branch Mixed Grip Hanging leg L hold with Hanging Leg Raise Finisher

Finally, Alicia’s third and final Earth Day Record promotes outdoor fitness and going to an exercise trail. She gets in a great workout on the parallel bars. She uses the parallel bars and climbs 10ft by doing a side-to-side commando pull-up then moving her arms forward and repeating the pull-up. She completes the 10ft challenge in 25.6 seconds.

Moving side to side Commando pull-up 10ft Climb for time!

Alicia was happy to stretch her strength and creativity and do something special for Earth Month 2023. The wild animals were excited too – she had 5 total wild animal spectators that watched her do these feats! A cardinal sang a song, a wild Maine Coon (world’s largest cat breed) stopped by to pay a visit, and 3 Muscuvy Ducks walked over to Alicia after she completed her last feat (and ducks were NEVER chummy with her before!).

Below are a couple Tips to help your environment and gardens:

1.) Recycle your used egg shells by planting small plants in them (ex. Mother of Thousands). It helps give them nutrients. It also makes planting easy – just put the egg in a pot or in the ground. See Video here of Plants growing in egg shells.

2.) Save your coffee grounds and your egg shells to make a Natural Fertilizer. Grind your old egg shells and mix them with your leftover used coffee grounds. Then, sprinkle the Natural Fertilizer on your potted plants and outdoor gardens and watch your plants grow faster!

Thanks for Reading – Happy Earth Month

MOVING INTO MAY (Mother’s Day Weekend)…Alicia has set or broken 21 Recordsetter World Records so far this 2023! Alicia has now competed in 6 Sports in 15 World Championships (winning two of the world championships)! Below are more World Record videos for 2023.

Alicia talks about her 6 sports that she competed in for 15 World Championships as of Spring 2023!

On 4/4/23 Alicia broke a world record she has held. She did 45 plyometric bar dips in a row where her arms must extend and then go to at least 90 degrees adding a plyometric release into each rep.
Alicia broke the Recordsetter World Record, which was 2:08 for the Ipsilateral One Arm One Leg Plank. She went for 2:40 in her first try for Mother’s Day Weekend.
Alicia broke 2 world records in one attempt! She did the 100 Side Center Side Plank Jumps in 1 min (setting the most in one Minute AND fastest time to do 100 reps)!
Finally, Alicia broke her 4th World Record for Mother’s Day Weekend with 57 Side-to-Side Plank Jumps in one minute. She has to keep her feet held close together and jump wide to side and level with her hands. She now has 21 World Records for 2023 so far!