By Weber Way to Wellness Reporter—-MAY AND JUNE 2023 was just the beginning of a summer of stardom for World Record Weber. Here are some highlights of her now 35 world records she broke this year so far (14 in summer)!! WR #22 came on 5/26/23 where she got her record back from a guy when she broke the strict form 3 minute pull-up world record with 108 reps. WR #23 came on 5/29/23 with 29 leg raises in one minute flexed bar hang (palm toward you grip). WR #24 came on 6/3/23 with 121 knee tucks in one minute, while in a flexed bar hang. WR #25 and the most grueling so far came on 6/10/23 when she broke her strict form 100 consecutive bar dip world record and took it to 2:50.8. Then, STARDOM STRUCK….
JULY-AUGUST 2023 ALICIA IS MENTIONED ON COVER OF TWO MAGAZINES with “Fit to be Eyed” where she is the Healthy Living 4 page feature in both of them!

Alicia was over the moon to receive a special interview and photo shoot to review her competitions and record breaking history so far. She is featured in a 4 page healthy living section in both the online magazines above and in print AND she is a featured article on a website.
Alicia took a fabulous hiking/training/comedy trip to Bryce Canyon for a week. She enjoyed a lot of laughs and she had fun making some new comedy shows with her creative dad! She did some great, challenging run training at 7,700 – 8,300 feet and found it really paid off when she came back to sea level. First, STOP and cackle with her Bryce Canyon/Las Vegas comedy.
Alicia returned to Florida to set a slew of aerobic strength world records, place 85th in her 16th World Championship, do her first ever 10k and 1 hour SKiErg event (where she is currently ranked 3 and 1 woman in world this season so far), and set a handful of personal best cross country running times and lowering 4 of her lifetime cross country bests (see below). She believes the high altitude training (even though it was just 1 week) had a positive impact on her recent results. FIRST, we will show you the records she broke upon her return from trip.
Last but not least, listed below are Alicia’s personal bests in cross country running. Highlighted in RED are her new personal bests. Alicia is not a fan of the Super Shoe Era and she believes soft surface running is the best both for health, leg/foot strength, and longevity in running. She only promotes soft surface running in her running programs. Alicia has been wearing the New Balance 940v4 for years (trains and competes in this 11oz shoe). It is known to prevent plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis.
100M 11.90 seconds July 12, 2016 Lake Tahoe, NV (flat course)
300M 46.3 seconds July 29, 2023 Groveland, FL (flat course)
400M 61.7 seconds July 29, 2023 Groveland, FL (flat course)
800M 2:20 June 6, 2018 Clermont, FL (flat course)
1 Mile 5:18.3 June 1, 2018 Clermont, FL (flat course)
1.5 mile run test best result ever on part grass/pavement course in Clermont, FL 11/2009 of 7:36 with 67ml/kg/min for VO2 max….On 3/24/22 best all grass 1.5 mile run test of 8:23 for 61 ml/kg/min for VO2 max test in Groveland, FL (both courses were flat)
2 Miles 10:56 March 24, 2022 Groveland, FL (flat course)
4k 15:57 April 30, 2014 NTC cross country course (very hilly)
5k 18:33 March 8, 2021 Groveland, FL (rolling course)
6k 22:19 November 11, 2000 Tuscaloosa, AL (rolling course)
4 mile 26:04 August 5, 2023 Groveland, FL (flat course)
5 mile 34:56 August 15, 2023 Groveland, FL (thick grass and rolling course)
10k 38:43 October 14, 2023 Davenport, FL (grass course mix flat and rolling terrain)
Half-marathon 1hr 38 minutes Nov 18, 2007 Alafia River State Park in Tampa, FL (rolling course)
Looking for personal training or running and conditioning in Central Florida? Contact Alicia at