CLERMONT, FL—Weber continues to put physical fitness on the map in Lake County with her world records, wins, champion trainees, and she is now a sports news reporter for a top media source.
Alicia Weber reached her 350th world record in endurance fashion as she re-set the consecutive knee tuck world record for the eighth time! The record category began in 2011 by a male athlete. Males and females compete for overall records at Recordsetter where Alicia took over the record title in 2012 and is the current world record holder with her 668 consecutive knee tucks set on October 1, 2013.
In 2011, I did an extensive aerobic study on 30 people age ranging from 25-75 years old and both male and female. The goal of the study was to find the Top 4 Aerobic Exercises that produced the greatest gains in aerobic capacity wellness. Aerobic Capacity Wellness refers to the person’s peak capability for delivering oxygen to the muscles and how long they can hold at that peak speed. The higher your aerobic capacity, then the higher your ability to utilize oxygen and the higher your cardiovascular fitness levels.
In this study, there were 4 exercises that stood out from the hundreds performed. The 4 exercises were considered the most beneficial, challenging, and effective movements for increasing aerobic capacity wellness. Click picture above or visit Booty Busters on youtube at
Now, these participants in this study performed rep based exercises that never exceeded 50 reps at a time. Although they normally performed 30-60 second all out bouts. I would describe their fitness levels as beginner to intermediate. All fitness levels greatly improved aerobic capacity wellness as well as toned and firmed their bodies.
The Top 4 Exercises with the greatest benefits for increasing aerobic capacity wellness (from 1 least challenging to 4 most challenging of the Top 4 Exercises discovered among hundreds) are the following:
1. Pushup Burpees with jump and overhead clap
2. Deep Squats with arms held out
3. Leaping mountain climbers
4. 1 leg Pushup Burpees with jump and overhead clap
Being a multi-exercise world record holder, the challenge was to stack these exercises for a total 400 reps, which would turn the routine into a speed-endurance exercise as I push for the fastest time with strict form and maintain a heart rate at peak speed. I call the event the 400 Rep Aerobic Capacity Wellness Challenge and I set the world record with Recordsetter! I set 205 world records in 2012 covering total body fitness and this 400 rep world record had my pulse reaching the highest maximum heart rate and it held it the longest (180 BPM for over 20 minutes, which is approx 95% of my maximum heart rate). No other record that I set produced these kinds of results, especially for an over 20 minute duration! So without a doubt, it is the most aerobic challenge record.
Alicia’s 2013 Valentine Day Heart Strength Test – 400 Rep Aerobic Capacity Wellness Test and NEW Record!
One year later, I have broken the 400 rep Aerobic Capacity Wellness Challenge Record by 32 seconds on Valentine’s Day 2013 where I celebrated by testing my heart strength! I once again kept my pulse at 95% of my maximum heart rate for over 20 minutes.
I would call my 2011 Aerobic Study a Success for the participants and myself. Remember to get in your Cardio Workout and have a strong heart not only on Valentine’s Day, but everyday year round!
February is National Heart Health Month and Alicia Weber will be going after a variety of Aerobic Capacity Wellness Records…Stay Tuned. Alicia Weber has fitness games that develop strength and aerobic capacity wellness. CLICK for Booty Busters Fitness Info!
Recently, Alicia took on a challenge that was a fan’s request to go after highly aerobic non-stop 13 minute records for the New Year 2013. Alicia performed 13 minute records covering total body fitness (arms, legs, and abs) and she has an event series where she established world records at Recordsetter. Here are the Series Records and Record Videos.
Rules Followed By Record Video for 13 Minute Mishmash Legathlon
When Alicia thinks of Heart Health month, the first thing that comes to her mind will be aerobics and Dr. Kenneth Cooper – The Father Of Aerobics. In 1986, Dr. Kenneth Cooper submitted the official definition to the Oxford English Dictionary. It reads, “Method of physical exercise for producing beneficial changes in the respiratory and circulatory systems by activities which require meeting a modest increase in oxygen intake and so can be maintained.â€
“I don’t criticize weight training – as long as it is not a substitute for aerobic training.” – Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, The Father of Aerobics
Dr. Kenneth Cooper’s initial mission was to combat the # 1 Killer in America, which was and still is heart disease and increase longevity. Aerobics is a big part of the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
What is your goal for Heart Health month? How is your aerobic capacity wellness? Get on the FAST track to health and join Alicia’s Fitness Program. After all, Beginning is HALF Done. Contact Alicia at
Alicia reviews and rates these records from 10 to 1 (toughest record set) and takes into account fans input as well, but Alicia ultimately will know which one is the toughest to set.
Here are Alicia’s Top 10 Toughest Records that she set and holds in the year 2012:
# 10 Fastest Time to Complete 100 Tricep Pushup Freestyle Medley
# 9 Fastest Time to Complete 1 Mile Run and 400 Chest Touching Ground Pushups
# 8 Highest Score in 20 Minute Triple Exercise with “Triple Eggsercise” Challenge
# 7 Highest Non-Stop Climb for an Arms Only Rope Climb in One Minute
# 6 Most Chin Ups for 3, 30, and 60 Minutes Completed in One Bout (setting 3 new records all at once!!)
# 5 Most Consecutive Strict Bar Dips in 5 Minutes
# 4 Fastest Time to Complete 500 Chin Ups and 500 Push Ups
# 3 Fastest Time to Complete 500 Consecutive Reptile-Pushups
# 2 Most Consecutive Reps of Reptile-Pushups in 1 Hour
# 1 Fastest Time to Complete 100m Consecutive Plyometric Alligator Pushups
Congrats to Alicia and we wish her more exciting record setting in 2013!!!
I was first inspired by Darryl Learie in 2011 to take up “Eggsercise”. The year 2012 was my time to really get into eggsercise for the benefits of adding more balance, coordination, and muscular control in with standard exercises. I particularly enjoy mixing eggsercise challenges in with my arm exercises to make them a lot harder and more challenging for me. In 2012 I debuted at Recordsetter with a variety of Eggsercise World Records and I share some of those world record videos with you here!
This record was probably one of my most popular records set in 2012 as it earned Record of the Day AND I took 4th place in the Record of the Month Challenge in May 2012 for the quest of the most popular record set with Recordsetter. I first set the record in May 2012 and then re-set it in December 2012 as you can see below:
This record was first set in May 2012 and it received Record of the Day at Recordsetter, but didn’t receive quite the height of acclaim as the standard pull up with the egg on the spoon in the mouth.
This record was set shortly after the egg on spoon in mouth pull up records became popular at Recordsetter in May 2012. I opened this category at Recordsetter and set this record in June 2012.
This record was my first stand alone eggsercise record set with Recordsetter in February 2012 and this record earned a lot of acclaim, Record of the Day, and Editors Pick with Recordsetter. This one record caused me to train and set many more eggsercises throughout 2012!
I have to put out an Eggcellent effort for all these records where I set a total of 10 Eggsercise Recordsetter World Records in the year 2012. I hope you enjoyed a taste of this “eggsercise”. Have an eggstatic time eggsercising!!
This year I took up a challenge suggested by a fan and it is the 12 Days of Christmas Record Challenge. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to do 12 days of records in a row because of my busy schedule, but I put my mind to it and somehow pulled it off! However, I didn’t it start 12 days before Christmas and end on Christmas. I started the Count Down on December 9th and ended on December 20th. Here I have my 12 days in a row of endurance strength exercises for Christmas!!
Take a look! Do you have a favorite challenge?
DAY 1 (December 9, 2012) Most Consecutive Triple Egg on Spoon in Mouth Bosu Knee Tucks With Egg on Spoon In Mouth Perfect Pull-Ups
I created this new challenge after breaking the consecutive knee tuck record for the 6th time this year at Recordsetter. I needed to try something more challenging after doing 513 consecutive knee tucks on December 6th. In this challenge, I add the Bosu and 3 eggs to balance and I only do 16 knee tucks. A far cry from my 513, but this is MUCH MORE challenging. Then, I keep going…See full scoop here:
Day 2 (December 10, 2012) Most Consecutive Bar Runner Exercise
I did this challenge for the first time this month. This challenge was created by a NY fitness trainer. I found this to be very aerobic and definitely gives the muscles a good burn!!
Day 3 (December 11, 2012) Most Reps in 10-Minute Extreme Pushup and Deep Squat Variety Act
This is yet another first time challenge where I combined many advanced level types of squats and then pushups together and went continuous for 10 minutes for most reps. Each exercise was 1 minute in length. My results 297 total reps. Too many wild exercises in this bout to describe, watching is best!
Day 4 (December 12, 2012) Most Reps in 1hr of Consecutive Reptile-Pushups
This is one challenge I have building my endurance for all year. I set several short duration speed records at Recordsetter earlier in the year and this was the final year end review of my fitness in a challenge that is 3-5 times tougher than standard pushups. 1 Reptile + 1 Pushup = 1 Rep See why this challenge is so much tougher than a normal pushup here:
Day 5 (December 13, 2012) Longest Swiss Ball Leg Lift Cadence Test
Just a day after completing the grueling reptile-pushups that shred the abs, I jump into one of the toughest types of cadence tests isolating the abdominals and improve my time by 9 minutes!
DAY 6 (December 14, 2012) Most Reps in Weighted Double L Challenge
This challenge was created to take the entire core to a maximum burn in a very short period of time with the first exercise and then continue with the second exercise, while still on fire!! The goal is to push thru the pain for maximum reps! I bet you will be surprised at the 2 exercises that really put the abs on fire! One clue – the first one is an exercise in gymnastics…Find out more here:
DAY 7 (December 15, 2012) Most Alternating Squat Thrusts in One Minute
World Wecord Wabbit returns today to take back her record. I set this record as the wabbit for Halloween and it became one of the Top 15 Most Popular Recordsetter World Records for 2012. Now, I return with a new record 372 alternating thurst in a minute and I am joined with a BIG friend…Find Out:
DAY 8 (December 16, 2012) Most Consecutive Shoulder Level Perfect Pull-Ups
This is a new “twist” to pull-up challlenge. Take a look!
DAY 9 (December 17, 2012) Fastest 84ft Combo Crab Walk
During, my trainees “Holiday Record Week” we turned a ballroom into a speed course for crab walking!! I went after the overall record for the 84ft crab walk with a time of 12.43 seconds, while my trainees “Hammer Head” took the master’s world record in a time of 20.59 seconds!
DAY 10 (December 18, 2012) Highest Score in Triple Exercise with Triple Eggsercise Challenge
This is a very challenging muscular endurance test where one can’t do it unless they are able to do 20 consecutive strict pull-ups, 20 consecutive bar dips where arms break parallel, and then 20 consecutive decline pushups and repeat for 17 minutes. Then, go into the Sumo Squat Eggsercise. Hopefully, I peaked your interest, so go ahead and have a peak:
DAY 11 (December 19, 2012) Longest Distance with Egg-On-Spoon-In-Mouth Hanging Arm Walk
This is a new type of extreme arm walk where you need to keep an egg balanced on spoon. Once it falls, the walk is over! Hang in there and check it out:
DAY 12 (December 20, 2012) Most Consecutive Egg-ON-Spoon-In-Mouth Pullups in One Minute
I wanted to end my challenge in an eggstatic style with an eggcellent effort during this Christmas Count Down and re-set the Recordsetter record with 16!
There you have my 12 Days of Records!!
Now, take a glimpse at my “2012 Holiday Record Week”. I held this event on December 17th and 2 of my trainees set Recordsetter World Records.
I can be reached for online or in person fitness training @
A popular way to test muscular stamina is with a cadence test. One of the most common that comes to mind is the 20 rep a minute pushup test till failure. Cadence tests don’t need to be bland to be effective. In fact, there are quite a few creative and highly challenging cadence tests for arm and ab muscular strength. The more dynamic an exercise, then the more effective it will be for one. If you are looking to put a new spin on cadence testing, then you are at the RIGHT place. Below are 6 challenging and unique cadence tests for arms (4) and core (2) and you are watching the official world records for these tests as well. Alicia Weber holds the Recordsetter World Records for the following 6 cadence tests and you can watch her go over the instructions for the tests and then set the records!
LAS VEGAS, NV, November 21-22, 2012 — On the Eve of Thanksgivng, the former Florida Gator Athlete, Alicia Weber, kicked off her Thanksgiving in Gator-Style! Alicia attacked a physical challenge that she was building up for over the past few weeks, but never attempted before. It was the all out consecutive 100m Plyometric Alligator Pushup for fastest time! She must keep her feet together with her legs straight for the entire duration and begin the exercise with a hop then one arm stretching out with other arm in close (like an alligator) and perform a pushup. She must repeat this as necessary until getting over the finish line! She completed 185 of these extreme consecutive pushups covering the 100m in 12:10. Alicia exclaimed, “Out of my 200 Recordsetter Exercise World Records set this year, this ranks as one of the toughest!”
Alicia’s 100m Alligator Plyometric Pushups for Fastest Time on 11/21/12
Here is Team Weber - Alicia Weber, Jim Weber, and Kimberly Weber
The following morning – Thanksgivng morning, Team Weber jumped into the Catch the Gobbler 5k for a fun run to earn their Turkey! Alicia Weber, Kimberly Weber, and Jim Weber chased those turkeys and as a family and they would have tied for 2nd place based on most family members earning awards in their age divisions. Alicia took 2nd place in her division, while Jim took 3rd place in his division. The Gronauer family had 2 earn division awards as well, but no one could catch the Holiday family, which took the Turkey with 8 family members earning awards in their age divisions. It was a fun race for families and friends to kick off Thanksgiving in an exciting 5k race! Team Weber took home 2 division awards. Alicia Weber and Jim Weber holding their Awards.
Alicia exclaimed, “My sister and dad were just going to do this race and I jumped in to make it a family run. I was still healing from a bad blister from running on a slant for half the run in my Beach Running World Championship, which I won several weeks ago. Although I am still healing my blister, I decided to do this race anyways, but just for fun at a casual pace. This is our first race as a family and it was nice!”
Alicia Weber encourages Americans to Take Charge of Their Health. Alicia is available to guide one in an online fitness/nutrition program - Contact Alicia at Awinningway@gmail.comBy: Weber Way to Wellness Reporter Images below are copyrighted to
Jack LaLanne always said, “Fitness is King and Nutrition is Queen.” Alicia Weber will add, “When they don’t rule, expect a nation of downfall.”
On the contrary, Japan proves to be a nation where Fitness is King and Nutrition is Queen and they are a nation that reigns as the healthiest in the world. The 2011 Nation Master Statistics show Japan is the least obese nation, nation with least heart disease (as well as nation with least cancer and circulatory diseases), and they are #5 nation for longest life expectancy!
Japan is a country where reaching over 100 years old is common place (especially in Okinawa). Japan is a country where the people believe in taking care of themselves and that is their lifestyle. They are the largest consumers of fish in the world and of whole soy, seaweed, and green tea. They monitor serving sizes and they stop eating before they are full. They also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Japan believes in aiming for a low stress life with daily exercises and some of their favorites include Aikido, Tabata Method, and Japanese Yoga.
Many Americans would rather not exercise and not eat right and just let the doctor take care of them. Well, that is not a smart choice as according to Commonwealth Fund, the U.S. ranks last among seven countries for effective healthcare. You will pay a lot of money and not get the results.
Dr. Chauncey Crandall, a renowned interventional cardiologist says, “YOU save yourself! Heart disease is unnecessary and what causes heart disease causes other degenerative diseases.”
It is proven that a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods along with regular daily exercise is your best weapon against disease and having a long, happy, healthy life. So why not do what is right to have a long, happy, healthy life? Do you lack motivation and direction? If so, you have come to the right place. This is home to Alicia “The Machine” Weber – holder of over 100 official exercise world records. Alicia is totally wild about exercise and Alicia has the education and experience to guide people in the right direction to reach health goals effectively and in the shortest amount of time.
For $55 you can receive a personalized exercise program complete with exercise demonstrations and guidance in an online format OR you can get a personalized nutrition plan. Virtually Train with a Winner and WIN with a Winner!! Get with Alicia and win with Alicia! Alicia can be reached at for more info or to sign up.
Alicia with 4 Record Setting Fitness TraineesCarol a 70 yr old said, “I spent a lot of money and time on physical therapy and I only improved my strength by 20 percent, but after a week with Alicia’s instructions I improved 80% and I feel I will be totally where I want to be on Alicia’s program in a short period of time. Wow, the results are unbelievable and the price is right! You have nothing to lose!”
Chris a 25 yr old said, “Alicia knows what I need for exercise and nutrition. She is very thorough with the nutrition consult. I am totally happy with her expertise. She truly cares about getting me to my best! I have her for motivation & follow her personalized program & I feel great!”
Contact Alicia to learn about the Online Personal Training and Nutrition Programs at
Alicia says, “I am an American, but certainly not American in the way I eat and exercise. I do not eat fast food. I rarely drink soft drinks, only ginger ale on occasion. I am REALLY W-I-L-D about exercise and because I exercise so much, I can not eat foods that aren’t healthy or else I will become sick. Due to the intensity of my exercising, my body is only inviting of alkaline foods. There is NO such thing as splurging or eating bad as a reward for hard workouts.”
Alicia had 3 major big, long stamina goals for 2012 and she achieved ALL of them. 1.) She set the world record for the most total body exercise records in 7 days in a row (2 of the exercises had to be 1 hour in duration). 2.) She then set the world record for fastest time to set 50 total body exercise records. 3.) Finally, she set the world record for the fastest time to set 100 total body exercise world records (where at least 3 records had to be at least 1 hour in duration).
I ask Alicia if she should feel tired and Alicia answered, “No, I am not tired. The more I do the more energized I become and I couple all my physical efforts with healthy eating, so both together are a very empowering combo for my body.”
Alicia would like to empower YOU to a NEW YOU as she does this over and over with her own body and current trainees. Alicia will work with YOU on YOUR goals and maximize your potential. The following are the videos documenting her 3 official long stamina records.
Official RecordSetter World Record where Alicia set 22 exercise records in 7 days in a row (upto 1hr duration covering upper body, lower body, and core exercises for records) on August 10-16, 2012.
“You have to take care of your 640 muscles, and the number one thing is exercise. You can eat perfectly but if you don’t exercise, you cannot get by.” – Jack Lalanne
“You should do it against the clock. Say you are going to do 30 laps in 15 minutes. Then you try to do it each day a little faster. That is putting demands on the body, and that is how you build up. You keep up your energy instead of going downhill.” – Jack Lalanne
Official Recordsetter World Record where Alicia completes 100 exercise records the fastest covering upper body, lower body, and core exercises AND for each of the 3 areas, at least one record of 1hr duration must be set. It took 107 days from May 17, 2012 – August 31, 2012.
“How do you build up your bank account? By putting something in it everyday.Your health account is no different. What I do today, I am wearing tomorrow. If I put inferior foods in my body today, I’m going to be inferior tomorrow, it’s that simple.” – Jack Lalanne
Don’t wait another day and continue to rot away…Build Your Health Account NOW! Beginning is Half Done and Help is HERE if you need it – Contact Alicia at for Online Fitness/Nutrition Support!
Darryl Learie reached the pinnacle of success when his world record for most one armed pushups on a raw egg was selected to be in The 2013 Hard Cover Annual “Ripley’s Believe It or Not – Download The Weird” 9th annual book on page 160. There’s stiff competition to get into this exclusive and sought after record book – there were 25,000 entries and only a small percent of them were selected to be in this book. Darryl Learie is into eggsercise and he is originator and record holder for the one arm pushup on the raw egg!
This by no means is Darryl’s only world record – he currently holds over 100 world records between RecordSetter World Records and The Book of Alternative Records where he holds records in exercise, human body achievement, and weird science (and he has set over 330 world records!!). However, the one armed pushup on the raw egg inspires awe, creativity, interest, and a level of difficulty that sparks the imagination.
Robert H. Schuller says it is “the round pegs in the square holes” – the nonconformists that are the innovators, the movers and shakers that push the human race. Darryl Learie is one of them and his one armed pushup on the raw egg record signifies this meaning where he “pushes” to new levels what was thought possible.
Darryl Learie is also a member of the Official Pushup Hall of Fame and he feels tragedy makes triumph. If Darryl had been popular in high school and the star athlete in a sport like football or basketball, he would have become content and not have “pushed” himself to be who he is today.
Darryl’s “tragedy to triumph” days were during high school where he developed the motivation to be tough and shoot for unconventional feats rather than conventional sports. These were the days that appeared to be a tragedy to him as he stuck out like sore thumb with no friends, no support, only bullying and other issues he had to overcome alone (click here or refer to video below to hear his story). During these high school days, Darryl was mature enough to know that tough times never last, but tough people do and trying times are just times preparing one for a triumph. He kept an upbeat personality and he didn’t get bitter only better…
You better believe that Darryl wouldn’t change anything and he is thankful for the “tragedy” and he is eggstatic over the “eggsercise” triumph!
If you are a nonconformist, you go places no one else goes and you are mentally and physically stronger for it. Once you get through the times that test your nonconformity, you become a leader and you won’t want to turn back.