Tag Archives: alicia weber health

Talking Abs and Muscle Recovery with Ab Exercise World Record Holder – Alicia Weber

By: Weber Way to Wellness Reporter

Sit Up World Record Holder, Alicia Weber had previously talked abs when she discussed the muscles used to perform a situp and explained the exercise. Today, Alicia will talk about her latest ab exercise world record and her muscle recovery.

Alicia was challenged by a fan to set the longest 6-12 inch straight leg hold and she did just that when she set the RecordSetter World Record for the longest 6-12 inch straight leg hold on August 1, 2012. Alicia even surpassed what she ever thought she would do, when she set the world record for a mind boggling 31 minutes and 36 seconds. I asked Alicia how she did it and Alicia answered, “Blocking out the pain and preparing before the event with massage therapy. It becomes more of a mind game after awhile.”

I then asked Alicia how she physically prepared for the event and what she expected she would do and Alicia answered, “I have been setting and re-setting knee tuck and 5 and 30 minute duration situp records since April 2012, so come August my abs are in pretty top form right now and I just became first human to break 1,000 reps of situps in 30 minutes using proper form (where hands aren’t allowed to help and are placed only on side of head above ears) when I did 1,023 reps in 30 minutes for a RecordSetter World Record on July 17, 2012. Due to my record setting for rep based ab records, I knew I could do well for the isometric ab record, but I thought I could only see myself doing 20 minutes maybe 25 at top. I definitely got a second wind of endurance to exceed 30 minutes and I believe it is because of my massage therapy!”

Alicia Weber said, “Massage therapy and muscle training go hand in hand. In order to be a long-term elite athlete, I have regular massage therapy to keep the muscles limber and nutrient rich and free of stiffness and immobility where metabolites and lactic acid feast!”

Alicia is also a licensed massage therapist and degreed and certified fitness trainer and Alicia can certainly see the benefits her own trainees gain when they combine regular fitness training with regular massage therapy including Cherie Oney – the oldest person to run with her dog and compete in AKC Dog Shows, as well as, Multiple Running World Record Holder for women over 70 – Roxann Steinke.

Alicia can be reached for health and fitness questions at Awinningway@gmail.com


12 Tips for Better Eating

By:  Carol Weber

Hello Friends,

I recently was surprised to learn about the number of people who are bedridden or must be in a wheelchair. I was surprised because many of these people are in their 60’s! They have no pathological diseases. Their fate came about due to lack of exercise. They all were “couch potatoes” and, subsequently, became overweight which eventually led to atrophy of their muscles.

Just hearing about these persons gave me a sense of fear. If fear is a motivator to make me exercise more, then bring it on! Most of our health problems come from lack of exercise. We were made to move those 600+ muscles that we have. And, of course, the other problem that we have is our diet!

All of the newsletters I get from the medical experts say the same thing: our health is determined from our life style, NOT our genetics. Of course, there are exceptions. People who have thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, and other genetic disorders are truly limited by their genetics. I had to prepare blood transfusions for these children and adults on a regular basis. But the majority of us can choose our fates.


Dr. Jim Weber & Carol Weber

So, with this in mind, here’s a list of tips for making better diet choices.

1.)  Eat at least 1 salad daily. Lots of raw vegetables are filling & provide fiber and essential vitamins & minerals.

2.)  Completely cut sugars & simple carbohydrates from your diet. They create a “glucose–insulin–low blood sugar–more glucose desired” cycle.

3.)  Shore up on fiber—it’s filling so you’ll eat less. High fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, seeds, whole grains. Dr. Agatston, the cardiologist from the South Beach Diet, says a slice of bread should have 3 grams of fiber.

4.)  Soup is filling. Have clear broth-based soup as an appetizer rather than a creamy-based soup.

5.)  Make sure protein is included in your meals & snacks: chicken, turkey, tofu, low fat cheeses.

6.)  Drink plenty of water.

7.)  Eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal. Researchers have found that it cuts caloric intake by 200 calories.

8.)  Control portions—use a smaller plate.

9.)  Use xylitol-sweetened gum or mints. It satisfies between meals.

10.)  Allow yourself a piece of dark chocolate if you must have a treat.

11.)  Use a food journal. Being honest and writing out what is consumed can be very revealing and helpful.

12.)  Green tea is an excellent product to aid in weight loss, and it has many health benefits. I get a product which is flavored with no caffeine. A dropper is equal to 15 cups of green tea. You add a full dropper to your beverage. Go on line to check it out: www.herbasway.com or phone 1-800-672-7322. Next time I hope to discuss more about green tea and other products.

*Remember, don’t be afraid to huff and puff and get your heart rate up! Sweating doesn’t count!

~ Carol Weber

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