Alicia is a Speaker & Performer at Women’s Health Event!

WINTER GARDEN, Fla (March 18, 2010)— Alicia Weber, the 17 x World Record Holder, celebrates women’s health month by being a guest speaker at Brite Nite held at Put a Cork In It at Winter Garden. Brite Nite is held one night a month to celebrate successes of women and it is a night where women build relationships, share trade secrets, enjoy food, and have fun! Brite stands for Beautiful, Resourceful, Intelligent, Thoughtful, and Emotionally-Connected! Alicia begins her talk by answering a question most people want to know about her and ends her talk by answering the question that she must answer – What makes her Brite? She will then go into her talk “Power of Strength” where she teaches by demonstrating 5 types of strength in her World Record Weber-style!


Alicia performs at Women’s Health Event!

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

 Next, Alicia showcases the successes of her fitness client that took 2nd place in the 2009 Fitness Challenge. This client overcame great obstacles to achieve great successes in a short amount of time and those challenges are discussed. Alicia’s client then demonstrates her fitness in a tough exercise.

Orlando Fitness Trainer Showcases Client Succeses!

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

 What do you think you could achieve in just 30-minutes? Alicia’s unconventional training is revealed as clients give their thoughts on their quick results in a short amount of time.

Fitness client gives testimony to unconventional methods

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

Fitness Training Newbie Gives Testimony of fun training

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video

 Alicia puts all that she talked about in her speech “Power of Strength”( where she taught 5 types of strength) together in a simple, effective fashion. Busy women can now do this simple, effective strength and endurance routine several times a week to reap health benefits! 

Alicia’s Squat-Pushup Routine for Women!

Traveling Trainer & Edutainer | MySpace Video


How to prevent or get rid of back? What exercises are good for back strengthening?

By:  Alicia Weber

If you are a person that believes walking briskly 30-minutes a day will take care of everything and there is no need for anymore exercise – THINK AGAIN!!

The primary muscles used in walking are the lower extremities including the hamstrings, quadriceps, adductors, gastrocnemius, and soleus muscles. There are other muscle groups involved that act as stabilizers such as the gluteals. Walking alone fails to strengthen back muscles properly and chronic low back problems are a growing trend in America.

A walking-only program is really only targeting one area of fitness of the 5 fitness areas – aerobic capacity wellness.

One common trend I find among exercisers that limit their exercises to walking are weak back muscles. On the same hand, if these walkers start adding back and abdominal-specific exercises into their routines they can get immediate gains in fitness and feel even better!

According to the National Health Interview Survey there was an increase from 3.2 percent of the population in 1997 to 8.3 percent of the population in 2006 that experiences chronic low back pain.

There are several possibilities as to why there is an increase in low back pain including
1.) increase in obesity
2.) increase in stress levels that trigger low back pain
3.) increase in depression that is linked to low back pain
4.) sedentary lifestyle with prolonged sitting
5.) improper ways to pick up objects, poor posture, or overall lack of care for the back
6.) failure to strengthen back muscles (in particular the Multifidus M.)

If you have back pain, what do you think is your cause? Finding the cause is one step closer to working on a solution. Overall, back pain is a choice. If you fail to strengthen your back, then you will fall back in overall health! The bottom line is to keep your back strong by doing back strengthening and stretching exercises (see below) to prevent back pain.

The multifidus muscle is a thin muscle found deep in the spine. It needs to be strong, sturdy, and stable to keep each vertebra working effectively. The multifidus muscle is the key muscle in the back that needs to not only contract to produce strengthening effects, but it must be elongated. The multifidus is the strongest muscle in the back and the key stabilizer in the back.

It is possible that traditional back surgery could disrupt the alignment of the multifidus muscle causing the spine to have trouble maintaining an upright position as well as create pain and discomfort. Minimally invasive spine surgeries can result in less disruption of the multifidus muscle and in turn cause less trauma than traditional back surgery. If one is seeking back help via physical therapy, chiropractics, or other methods of back relief and severe back pain continues, then it would be best to get an x-ray. Consistent pain is a sign of seriousness.

Back strengthening and stretching can never go out of style. In fact, I am a firm believer that a back exercise should be performed everyday at least once. It is important in the selection of the back exercise and performance of the back exercise in achieving results.

 For instance, if you want to use the back machine in the gym – work on doing greater reps and lighter weight (i.e. a 115 lbs person may just use 50lbs and do 15 – 20 reps even if they could easily use a lot heavier weight.). So back exercises ARE about endurance training and NOT about power training (heavy weight and high intensity). Over doing the back with intense exercise and heavy weights can strain the low the back and cause harm.

Whether you are new or a veteran of back exercises, there is one stretch that can really open up the back and all you need is a chair.

The Moving Warrior Pose is a great way to stretch and strengthen the back! Do this exercise for a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 2 minutes. Always start with just 1 set and over time build to doing several sets. The reaching out and stretching up and then reaching out and coming back in works gluteal stabilization, leg endurance, posture alignment, and stretches and contracts the Multifidus M. Once again, because the multifidus is such a small muscle in the back, we want to keep the intensity low and keep the exercise slow. Combine deep tortoise breathing with this moving warrior pose to get additional benefits. Try to do 2 – 4 breathing cycles/min or less. Read here if you want to learn more about tortoise breathing.


Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program even if it is for the back. When one is just starting back exercises the goal will be to work on more stretching. Once stretching is down, the person can add more strengthening. Focusing on the single multifidus muscle ( such as in the picture above in the gym back machine) is advanced and can be implemented into a back program overtime.  Learn more by reading BACK FAQS

The Multifidus M.

Health in Corporate America for Profit and Productivity

Foreword: As a Fitness/Nutrition/Solutions Consultant I interview top professionals and write educational, entertaining articles that are hopefully thought provoking for my readers.

By:  Alicia Weber

In a rush to satisfy job requirements, do you think you ate some quick, unhealthy snacks that may have left you lackadaisical? Could it be that you love your job, but may wish that you had a higher income and could work fewer hours?

Or is everything wonderful, but you may not be sure if you have health insurance that would cover the upcoming doctor and physical therapy bills?

The employment statistics suggest that people are turning to self -employment more than they were a decade ago and fewer employers are offering healthcare coverage. According to the U.S. Census Bureau for Health Insurance, 47 million Americans are without health insurance and young adults are the fastest growing uninsured population. It is time to think about preventative health.

Just as on a job an employee is to be prompt, prepared, and productive, when it comes to one’s health everyone should be prompt, prepared, and preventative.

Being health preventative and productive with profit is a doable combination in Corporate America and below one can find out.

Rule # 1: Biofeedback Without Barriers.
Any great athlete can explain the monumental wins from biofeedback and mental preparation including Michael Jordan, Greg Louganis, Tiger Woods, and Venus Williams. Sports or business, one must think about what they want to have happen regularly and let the thoughts go from awareness to actions. You have to have a vision before going on a mission. Many times I thought of how I wanted things to be and before I knew it everything happened and it was normally better than what I dreamed. I would have to keep pinching myself!

“Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Rule # 2: Eat Smart to Think Smart.

Getting rid of soda pop and enriched, bleached white flour products alone, I see 50% increased energy level and productivity with my personal clients and not to forget to mention weight loss! If it is white, don’t bite! The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an almost 5 percent annual growth rate for food eaten at home. People might be pinching pennies for cheaper food, but don’t get cheap with your health. Your health is everything. Smart shopping can keep one healthy and save money. During a tough time in ’02, I was able to keep my grocery bills under $70/month and spend no more than $30/month at restaurants. By making large quantities that can be frozen or refrigerated and buying good proteins to consume, one can save money and stay healthy as I did. My favorite is making a huge bowl of fresh salad and adding fish to it to eat during the week! Certain dishes including chili, lasagna, pasta, and soups are other foods that can be made in large quantities and gobbled throughout the week.

Key nutrients that can keep one smart and healthy include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids – imperative for mental and heart health found in salmon, tuna, and nuts

2. B vitamins – maintain mental skills and keep depression at bay also found in salmon and nuts, as well as chicken breast, avocado, banana, broccoli, orange juice, baked potato with skin, spinach, black-eyed peas, garbonzo beans, lentils, pinto beans, and spaghetti

3. Vitamin C – strengthens immune system and can be found in all citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, and green peppers.

* These vitamins are also known to prevent heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke.

* These vitamins are also known to prevent heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke.

Some people might think of fitness and associate it with sweat, long-enduring workouts, pain, perserverance, and muscle aches. On the contrary, obtaining fitness can be about taking just 5-minutes to exert muscles in multiple movements.
Fitness at the workplace could be about taking a few deep breaths of deep breathing, taking the stairs, performing a few moves of chair yoga, and walking brisk intervals around the office with a few final stretches.

In any event, studies show exercise has a direct benefit to alertness and keeping stress down on the job. One easy and beneficial “belly-breathing” exercise called Tortoise Breathing is S-L-O-W and known to help with alertness, better concentration, and stronger immunity and it is easy to do on the job! Just take a minute and try Tortoise Breathing below:

1. Stand or sit without slouching. Inhale slowly so that your chest, diaphragm, and lower abdomen expand.

2. Exhale slowly so that your chest, diaphragm, and lower abdomen contract.

3. Finally, begin timing your breathing for one minute: an inhalation and exhalation count together as one breath. Goal 2 – 4 breaths a minute. Typically people just starting out take 8-12 breaths a minute. Combine biofeedback with this breathing exercise and you will be on your way to better health, profit, and productivity!

* Taking preventative health measures has been a proven success with one of the most stressful jobs of that of a Deputy Sheriff of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office in Orlando, Florida.

Corporal Pat Reilly, Wellness Coordinator for the Orange County Sheriff’s Office knows how preventative health measures work wonders for employees on and off the job and he starts by saying, ” With the inherent risks connected to Law Enforcement, individual health and fitness may be the difference in winning or not winning a confrontation. A regular exercise program is proven to reduce health care expenses, limit work time missed due to illness, aid in recovery time from injury or illness, improves sleeping habits, impacts performance and daily activity, etc. These are some of the obvious benefits of becoming and staying involved with any Wellness program.”

Corporal Pat Reilly seen in front of the state of the art Fitness Center located at the main Sheriff’s Office complex in Orlando where Group Exercise classes include Indoor Cycling, Abdominals, Yoga, Self Defense – Jui Jitsu and Aikido.Corporal Pat Reilly, Wellness Coordinator, has over 1,000 fitness center users a week in a wellness program and he says, “The most applicable benefit of our preventative health and exercise programs is the overwhelming physical fitness gains observed and documented by employees participating in our Diagnostic Fitness Assessment Testing program also known as “The Program FDS”. We have developed a digital, diagnostic testing program which gives a participant immediate readings of Body Composition, Flexibility, Upper Body Strength and Lower Body Strength assessment testing. This 5 minute assessment program keeps our personnel ‘connected’ mainly because of the ‘awareness’ and ‘comparison’ factors attached to The Program. Employees immediately see health and fitness gains as well as allowing them to learn of negative gains before “slip-ups” have disappointing effects.”

Preventative Health in Corporate America is clearly the proven way to go for TOP profit and productivity!

**If you are an employer or individual that needs a preventative health solution, contact the Fitness/Nutrition/Solution Consultant, Alicia Weber,  for a Recommendation at

Importance of Balance Training

I have been selected as a premiere fitness expert at The following article has made the most popular article list for that site. Below, I provide the article again with follow-along-video demonstrations. Thank You & Enjoy! ~Alicia Weber

One may ask, what is balance training and what are the benefits?

It can benefit a person in so many ways and it starts with the spinal cord.

The spinal cord is involved with voluntary and involuntary movement where information is carried up and down the spine by bundles of fibers in the central nervous system (CNS) where sensory and motor information signal a movement. The goal would be to build a faster reaction with technical movements. First, try dribbling a basketball and notice how little concentration is invloved. Now, try dribbling a Reaction Ball – WOW, what a difference! Concentration and level of difficulty is 10 fold and one can feel the impulses to react!

Try the Following Reaction Ball Drill

This is just the beginning of the effects of balance training…

Proprioception is the ongoing awareness of body position or joint position and it is regulated by sensory organs (i.e. eyes, ears, and specialized receptors in tendons, joints, and muscles). Proprioception gets challenged in balance training too! The visual sense gives pertinent data about external stimuli and are extremely important in skilled performances. Try a simple “eyes shut” exercise, while standing on one foot to see how your propioception is challenged in balance training. Sometimes you may feel like you want to wave your hands around to maintain equilibrium. This signals coordination involvement in balance.

Try Some Beginner to Intermediate Bodyweight Eyes Shut Drills

Coordination involves an involuntary response that results in specific motor response with that response being dependent on the type and duration of the stimulus received. So in everyday activities coordination is rarely challenged. However, try to balance on 1 foot – turn one arm clockwise, the other arm counter-clockwise, and the other leg clockwise then counter clockwise. Now, we are talking about coordination! The results of working on that exercise over time will be building stronger somatic reflexes (reflexes involving skeletal muscle contraction).

Try Some Multiple Movements in Different Directions to Advance One’s Coordination

Balance training is challenging body equilibrium and teaching nervous and sensory receptor systems to perform highly skilled movement patterns.

How can balance training help the elderly?

As I trained patients with high-level neuromuscular and neurological conditions, the best results came from combining “eyes shut” exercises with coordination exercises all while doing a light aerobic activity. Results and graduation to a new fitness level were achieved in 4-weeks. Aerobic activity alone produced no results and coordination drills with eyes open only produced minor results. So to get the most out of balance try an array of activities such as the examples above.

How can balance help kids and adults?

When in good health, a person wouldn’t even recognize their nervous system and muscles executing a simple movement, but when there is a problem their nerves and muscles can become impaired. People can easily begin reaping rewards from balance training and apply them to sports like tennis and basketball. Balance training also strengthens muscle stabilizers, so if you are apt to get ankle sprains – then regular balance training can fix that problem!

Do you have weak ankles or have trouble balancing on 1 foot? If so, you can work on turning the weakness into a strength with the video below.

Here is an easy 2-minute exercise to strengthen muscle stabilizers in your feet to improve your balance and stability.

Watch my client master a very difficult balance exercise that also works the core and quads!

Contact Alicia Weber for online personal training or in-person training in Central Florida at

Aquatic Training to Ease Back Into Exercise in Clermont Florida

By:  Alicia Weber

As an aquatic therapist, I find my clients enjoying exercise more if they begin with aquatic training. We can do the same land exercises in the water and so much more without any effort, yet we can get the heart rate in the appropriate zone for weight loss and overall fitness results.

One female client started an exercise program with me 12 weeks ago and it began with water training. She exclaims,”Water is an excellent introduction for anyone starting an exercise program for the 1st time or returning to exercise after a long break. Water training isn’t as difficult as land-based training. It prepares you for the gym. The combination of both gives the best results.”

This client is currently in a land-based only program as she has graduated into a new fitness level. She remembers her first weeks and recalls doing a series of arm flap exercises first in the water. She moved her arms effortlessly at high speeds and later noticed arm toning effects. A few weeks later she did the same arm flap exercise routine on land and found it to be grueling, difficult, and exhausting. However, through her 3 month conditioning process the same routine done on land is still challenging, but not exhausting. She is now in great condition and continues to excel at challenging exercises on land where at one time, she was only able to perform them in the water.

Alicia Weber is a Fitness Expert with This article and others can be found at

Alicia Weber can be reached for Aquatic Exercise programs and Personal Training in Central Florida at

Below is a short intro to the Arm Flap Leg Endurance routine. FIRST try in the water and after a few weeks try on land and see the difference as your strength and endurance builds!