Alicia Weber – 24 World Records in 2010 & 10 Sports in 2009

By:  Weber Way to Wellness Reporter Click here to visit JD Productions.

CLERMONT, Florida—On the 8th day of the new year 2011, we ask fitness expert, Alicia Weber, how she feels as she looks back at her record 24 world records in strength, speed, & endurance she set in 2010. 

Alicia replies, “I feel that I accomplished my goals for that year.  My adrenaline pumps and I prepare the best I can and I exceeded every goal.  I am a possibility thinker with an insatiable desire to strive for difficult tasks.  They were all very challenging and required a great amount of possibility thinking and focus in addition to physical fitness.”

What do you look forward to in 2011?  Alicia says, “I never totally know what to expect and goals change, but I always think BIG enough for God to fit into all my goals!  This will be a year that my success has significance for those in Lake County, Fl – I have some very exciting “fitness makeovers” and “fun fitness challenges” I will be hosting with awesome prizes.

Here is a Review of Alicia’s 24 World Records set in 2010.
(Scroll to bottom for her 10 Sports  Video where you can watch her set a World Record!! )

Feb 6-March 9, 2010-Alicia Weber started her 33 day “5 Areas of Physical Fitness Challenge” with a 30 minute pull up world record enroute to a new mind-blowing 1 hour pull up record where she blew away her old record by 161 reps for 721 reps.  The one hour event is very grueling because you need to find a pace and keep it the whole hour.  She kept a pace of 12 reps a minute.  Then, 21 days later she did another mind blowing endurance feat with 680 chin ups in an hour (145 reps over her former record)!  These 1 hour events are taxing on the muscles, but she is so well trained that in between these two endurance feats, she wasn’t recovering, but setting more records (one every 2 and ½ days)!  In between these feats, she set 6 world records ( 2 shorter duration chin up WRs, 2 single-leg speed jump rope WRs, a jump rope running WR, and a Ring Dip (L-feat) 1 minute WR)!!  Then, March 1-9, Alicia set 4 more world records in pushups as she increased the level of difficulty by adding medicine balls to pushups.

Alicia states, “This was the most grueling of my 2010 records because of the focus required for these records for the 33 day duration.  Near the end, I made the challenge harder when I started getting mentally fatigued by pushing myself in 3 types of medicine ball pushup world records, which is equally a mental challenge as it is a physical challenge.  It was a thrill of victory when I captured 11 world records and 2 rare strength feats in 33 days and set world records in all 5 areas of physical fitness!”

May 27, 2010-Alicia Weber focused solely on maximum strength world records within a 45-minute time frame and took the challenge of setting 6 world records in 45-minutes to try & tie the # Legendary Jesse Owens did in Track and Field with Maximum Speed and Long Jump World Records set May 25, 1935.  However, Alicia missed on one, which she later captured during “Weber World Record Week.”  All in All, Alicia set an incredible 5 world records within 45 minutes in 5 strength events on May 27, 2010 in this order (1.  37 pull ups in 1 minute, 2.  35 pull ups in a row, 3.  30 chin ups in a row, 4.  11 handstand pushups in 1 minute, & 5.  18 ring dips in 1 minute).  Click here to purchase this 45 Minute World Record on digital download.

Alicia shows strength feats with pullups and her back muscles.


June 11, 2010-Alicia Weber was feeling ABSolutely FABulous and felt it was time to blow away her current 30-minute sit-up world record.  She did just that in flying colors as she blew away her previous mark by nearly 200 reps!!  Her current world record is now 795 reps in 30-minutes (a sit-up every 2.26 seconds)!  Click here to learn correct sit-up form.

Sept 11-17, 2010-Alicia Weber set 5 world records during “Weber World Record Week”.  First, she combined running, coordination, and strength together as she went jump rope running around the track using a 1.5 lbs jump rope.  Alicia, a former National Champ Track runner states, “Jump Rope running is night and day to regular running.  It is WAY more difficult and strenuous and if there is any wind – forget it!  I picked to set these jump rope running records in September, since there is little to no wind.”  Next she finally captured the world record for the world’s most difficult type of dip – Ring L position dips.  Finally, she tested herself in endurance and captured the 3-minute Deep Squat World Record following then with re-setting her 10-minute one arm pushup world record.

Alicia Weber is featured on the World Record Holder’s Registry.  Alicia Weber is also in the world record book, “Believe the Unbelievable.”  Quite contrary to 2009, Alicia spent all 2010 setting world records and only competed in 1 sport.  In 2009, Alicia set only 8 world records, but she competed in 10 sports!

Alicia Weber’s 10 Sport Athlete Tour and More!!


Fitness Advice & Exercise Tips with Alicia Weber

By: Alicia Weber Click here to visit JD Productions.

Due to my successes and suggestions from fans, I decided to start another blog called “Alicia Weber’s Recommendations”. It reviews fitness and health products and the blog is dedicated to answering questions and giving advice in the area of fitness, health, and wellness. I have created the category on this site called Alicia’s Recommendations, so that readers can stay in the loop as well from this site. I have attached links from the other site on this page.  Enjoy!!

Postings from “Alicia Weber’s Recommendations”…

New Year Fitness Advice

Weber Sisters Reveal Fitness and Exercise Tips (Part 2)

“Very compatible, yet very different”

By:  Weber Way to Wellness Reporter
**The images contained in this article exclusively found at are copyrighted © Alicia Weber & Kim Weber.
Click here to visit JD Productions.

The Weber Way to Wellness Reporter interviews the Weber Sisters – two sisters 2 years apart that are both fitness gurus.  Kim Weber is a fitness executive for high-end fitness studios with an Exercise Science B.S. and a Global MBA   Alicia Weber is a Fitness Expert and Fitness/Nutrition/Solutions Consultant with Biology and Communication degrees.  In Part 1, we learn about humble beginnings in Fitness and their winning workouts!  Click here for Part 1 or continue reading Part 2 as they reveal Exercise Tips and How to Stick to Exercise!

Kim Weber is a California Girl - a Land Animal that can show you how to put a groove in every move as she specializes in pilates & yoga!!
Alicia Weber is a Florida Girl - a Land/Water Animal like a Lungfish! She can get you to "Huff, Puff, & Triumph" with your lung or aqualung as she specializes in aquatic therapy & physical fitness testing/training!!
  1. 1. Q.  What do you admire most about your sister?

Alicia answers, “I am baffled by how my sister handles high levels of stress and dramas in fitness management and turns businesses around in a way no one else can do!  When the average manager only lasts 6-months at a time, she lasts years and loves it, while making a big difference.  She amazes me!”

Kim answers, “I admire her un-wavering confidence.  She’s always believed in herself no matter what.  She’s never been one to give in to peer pressure or pressures of society.  No matter what’s trendy or not, she’s always happy being her.  Because of that confidence she’s always made wise decisions.”





2. Q.  What advice would you give someone just starting out in exercise to stick to it?

Alicia Weber is excited over physical fitness!

Alicia answers,

“Don’t think of exercise, but “excitementcise” –  You want to think about activities that excite you and throw in a little movin’ & groovin’!  It’s easy for me, since I get my kicks from strenuous activities, but some people don’t like to move.  Nothing beats the benefits of movement though! If you like to sing, try to Dance off the Inches: Hip Hop Party
style with your song.  If you like to watch tv, try simple Healing Yoga Moves at every commercial.  If you like boating – try a Hobie Mirage Sport Kayak and enjoy fun and speed as you paddle and pedal effortlessly!  Remember, if you don’t MOVE, you will loose your groove!  *If you want to learn more, I have fun and unique personal training programs available in Central Florida. ”



Kim Weber is excited over physical fitness!

Kim answers,

“I agree that people need to find something they enjoy.  With exercise there are really no rules. You don’t have to join a gym to exercise.  If you enjoy walking your dogs, then make that your exercise.  If you prefer exercise to be your ‘alone time’ then that’s ok too.  Or, get a group of friends together to exercise together. Take the stairs, park at the back of the mall parking lot, etc.  It all adds up and doesn’t have to be regimented.”








Weber Sisters Reveal Fitness and Exercise Tips (Part 1)

“Very compatible, yet very different”

By:  Weber Way to Wellness Reporter
**The images contained in this article exclusively found at are copyrighted © Alicia Weber & Kim Weber.
Click here to visit JD Productions.

The Weber Way to Wellness Reporter interviews the Weber Sisters – two sisters 2 years apart that are both fitness gurus.  Kim Weber is a fitness executive for high-end fitness studios with an Exercise Science B.S. and a Global MBA   Alicia Weber is a Fitness Expert and Fitness/Nutrition/Solutions Consultant with Biology and Communication degrees.

1.        Q.  How long have you both been in the fitness industry and why do you love working out?

Kim Weber has years of training & an advanced education in Yoga & Pilates.
Alicia Weber represented the U.S. in Perth, Austalia, in 2000 for triathlon.

Alicia answers, “We both started as a lifeguard.  When I took my first lifeguard job at 17, people began asking me for swimming and exercise tips.  I was a self-coached world-class triathlete and National Champion runner.  People would look at me and want my help and it stemmed from there and I branched out into fitness training and a variety of facets in health and wellness.  Constantly expanding my physical fitness is extremely exciting for me!!”

Kim answers, “I’ve been in the fitness industry for over ten years.  After being a lifeguard as a teenager, I went on to become a group fitness instructor.  I taught all kinds of classes and got into personal training as well.  After years of training experience, I moved over to the management side where I started managing a Pilate’s studio in Las Vegas, NV.  I fell in love with fitness management and went on to get my MBA to continue with these aspirations.  I love working out because it makes people, especially women, feel good about themselves.  Our self esteem is largely based on how we look and feel.  When we get results we feel energized and accomplished.  This feeling fuels people to change their life and change their world.”

2.        Q.  Exercise was always part of your lives.  What are your favorite types of workouts?

Kim and her lovable pooches out on a walk!
Alicia holding the world record book that she is in between her feet.

Alicia answers, “I love anything that is very challenging (both muscularly and aerobically) in the area of strength, speed, and endurance.  In 2010, I set a record 24 world records in this area of fitness.”

 Kim answers, “I love dance based orthopedic exercises like Pilates and Yoga.  I also love to run and hike outdoors, especially with my dogs.”


Cooling down after a long night of cackling and a sweaty morning workout!
3.  Q.  What is your most memorable moment together in exercise?
Alicia answers, “We were on a family trip in the Badlands and as soon as we arrived in the evening, I jumped out of the car and took off running.  Thank goodness my sister followed after me because she saved my life!!  I accidently began to take off on a 200+ ft high cliff and she grabbed my legs and pulled me back before I fell. I then learned why they are called the Badlands!  My energy levels were out of control (too many endorphins from distance running) as a teenager, but I am under control now.”

Kim answers, “For me it’s probably when we were both on the high school swim team.  I didn’t enjoy it, especially the thought of jumping into a cold pool at 6 am in the dark, freezing Pennsylvania winter weather.  Alicia loved it though.  She used to
give me her flippers when we had to swim laps to help me be less miserable!  At that point I knew I must be more of a land animal!”
Kicking back after a night on the town in Las Vegas, NV!!

Continue with Part 2 revealing Tips for Exercise here….

Alicia Weber Wishes Holiday Cheer & Says Goodbye to 2010 with Extreme Endurance Strength Feat!

By:  Weber Way to Wellness Reporter Click here to visit JD Productions.

November 2, 2010–Alicia Weber’s tricep muscles were excited and drooling over a final challenge!  She decided to test herself at the toughest type of 2-arm and 2-leg pushups for endurance – 30 -minutes of Tricep Pushups.  She already holds world records in a variety of regular 2-arm pushups and one-arm pushups categories.  However, tricep pushups are not a record cateogry, and she is just doing these tricep pushups for fun in the vieo below!  In 2010, Alicia ends her year with a record 24 world records in strength, speed, and endurance verified by the Book of Alternative Records and featured in World Record Holder’s Republic the registry for Human Achievement World Record Holders.

Tricep Pushup Hand Pushup
Tricep Pushup Hand Position

The tricep pushups for endurance isolate the 3 tricep muscles (medial head, lateral head, and long head of the tricep m.).  Maxing out and going for 30-minutes is VERY challenging on the triceps AND the ABS as they stabilize the core and keep a straight body position.  Rules:  Tricep Pushups must be performed on a hard surface, arms start in full extension, and end bent with chest touching floor as hands are held in a triangle position (as shown here).  Legs stay straight with no lifting of the hips.  Rest breaks are allowed.

Watch Alicia “World Record” Weber do 556 tricep pushups in 30-minutes.  Enjoy!


Holiday Greetings from Alicia and Clan!

By:  Alicia Weber and Clan Click here to visit JD Productions.

I hope this holiday season brings my “Weber Way to Wellness” readers hip n’ hop and healthy!  I appreciate all your comments and interest in my blog and wanted to say “thank you” for swinging by regularly!!  I wish you all a wonderful holiday and fabulous new year!! Below I have my 3-minute holiday comedy show with my clan called “Christmas with Alicia and Clan & an Unordinary Santa”

I hope you get a BIG laugh & Enjoy!

Best Wishes,

Alicia Weber

Muscle Girl Flexes it & Works it in Bootcamp with Posing Session!

By:  Aussie Amanda – a copyrighted character of Alicia Weber Click here to visit JD Productions.

I am a Strength Feat Specialist that loves extreme exercises.  Although I love moving and grooving and huffing and puffing in muscular strength and aerobics best, I PAUSE today… By requests of many fans, I slowed down my pace under the spotlghts to do some slow and close up flexing and posing!  It is my first serious flexing and posing session. The flexing and posing session lasts over 5 minutes.  BUT, before I go into flexing and posing, I completed a strenuous bootcamp workout with the marines.  I was put to the test in many physical fitness challenges all with a 30lbs back pack on my back.  One of my challenges was a 1/2 mile mountain sprint race with the 30lbs back pack on my back!  You’ll have to find out the winner here.

For now, I will show highlights from my first ever serious posing and flexing session below.  *However, if you are interested in watching my FULL bootcamp workout with my posing session (appox. 11 minutes) go to


Believe The Unbelievable World Record Book Available here

By:  Alicia Weber Click here to visit JD Productions.

Human achievement world record holders are the big dreamers and doers of the world.  They have an extraordinary drive and determination to achieve big goals all for the satisfaction of personal achievement and personal growth. They set an unbelievably high standard for themselves backed with relentless dedication, determination, and commitment and they raise the bar on what is possible in the area of brain and body POWER!  Creativity is another attribute of human achievement world record holders – they are nonconformist that push the envelope in unchartered territory.

How do I know what makes a human achievement world record holder?  Well, I am one.  I am Alicia Weber – a world record holder in strength, speed, and endurance.


Do you want to get energized, inspired, or challenged? If so, THEN Believe the Unbelievable is the book to read! It has over 1,500 feats of incredible human achievement.  Get your copy TODAY by clicking the link below:

Believe the Unbelievable: the Ultimate Book of World Records and the People who Pursue Them

Weber Celebrates Thanksgving in “Turkey Trot and Hop”

By:  Coach Johnny Deltoid a copyrighted character of Alicia Weber

Click here to visit JD Productions.

Thanksgiving 2010, LAS VEGAS, NV—I eat, sleep, and talk Track and Field!  So my ideal Thanksgiving would be having the opportunity to run with a pack of Turkeys.  Running is always in the picture with me-Track Coach, Johnny Deltoid.  However, I am out in the desert in Las Vegas and there are no turkeys in sight!

I decided to celebrate Thanksgiving by hosting an event called “Turkey Trot and Hop” to satisfy my running desires.  Participants first run 200m all out on a grass course that ends on a hill.  Then, they take a 200m recovery jog.  Immediately after that they hop 200m on the same course.  They do the first 100m hop on their Left Leg and then the 2nd 100m on their Right Leg.  They then can compare times from their one-leg hopping abilities to two-leg sprint abilities.  It is an exciting evaluation in fast-twitch muscle fibers, biomechanics, and muscle stabilizers (since they will be used on the uneven grass surface, unlike on a track).  PLUS it is an “attracktive” way to spend Thanksgiving.

Alicia Weber, an Orlando, FL, personal trainer, world record holder, and champion runner gobbled up this event!

Watch Weber’s winning 200m run and 200m hop in the “Turkey Trot and Hop”

This is a good way to test the strength of your legs.  Happy Trails to you!

-          Full Results     –
Name                                      200m run         200m 1-leg hop
World Record Weber          29 secs                  1:01
Aussie Amanda Hug            30 secs                  1:03
Catalina Calisthenics            32 secs                 1:10
Catalina Cathouse                 32 secs                  1:12
Debbie Defense                    35 secs                  1:15
Johnny Deltoid                       40 secs                  1:22
Madalina Seg                          60 secs                  2:10

Catalina Teaches her Favorite Stretch on Thanksgiving!

By: Catalina Calisthenics – a copyrighted character of Alicia Weber

Click here to visit JD Productions.

Oh, I just had to wake up on Thanksgiving morning and share with you my favorite stretch!  I do this stretch on a regular basis, but it is extra special on Thanksgiving!  If I was a turkey, I would be ruffling my feathers and going into a Turkey Dance with this Gobbly good stretch called the Turkey Shrug!!  This is a stretch perfect for the wild animals and it really works your muscles!!  It gets into your upper traps, neck, and chin!  It prevents neck wrinkles and I have given this stretch to clients that had a double chin and their double chin started to disappear after only a month of doing this exercise once a day!!  You just do 1-3 sets once a day or a couple times a week to reap the results!

Follow along in the video below and give this stretch a try and see how wild and awake you will feel!!

Catalina Teaches her Favorite Stretch on Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!