When and Where:This is a FREE summer program for kids and adults is held this summer 2018. The exercise program takes place at Kirk Park, 17436 Division Street, Montverde, Florida 34756. *It is best to RSVP the day before, so to let Alicia know you are coming at Awinningway@gmail.com or call/text 352-874-4363.
The Results: Alicia Weber, The Barrier Breaker Coach, very quickly guided all students to various advanced mind and body challenges where they were able to improve physical fitness, while having fun. Additionally, students showed improvements in faster mind processing speed, attention span, memory recall, and critical thinking skills in this program.
The Body Concept: The program focuses on the necessary development of the 5 areas of fitness (muscular strength/endurance, cardio, balance, flexibility, and core training).
The Mind Concept: Alicia is an award-winning poet, author of 3 books, illustrator, comedian, winning artist, and she combines the creative arts with exercise to challenge the mind and body in areas of memory recall, reaction time, critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving.
Intro to Program and Instructor: This is an unpredictable, very unique, fun, and results-driven physical fitness program the whole family can enjoy this summer. All ages and abilities are welcome. Alicia’s goal is to get to know participants and personalize the training. Alicia is a degreed fitness and wellness professional with 21 years of experience training ages 3-97. Contact Alicia at 352-874-4363 or learn more at www.AliciaWeber.com
Why Join Creative Mind and Body Developmental Program?
1. Research has already proven that a moderate physical fitness activity program with resistance training is the only way to improve brain health (by increasing the size of the hippocampal and medial temporal lobe volumes). In return, this prevents cognitive impairments, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.
2. Without the right kind of regular physical training, the hippocampal volume shrinks 1-2% annually in adults, which leads to cognitive impairment.
3. The program increases maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), which prevents chronic diseases and builds immune system.
4. Cardio conditioning with greater task related activities increases brain and body function.
References: Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and improves memory http://www.pnas.org/content/108/7/3017
A Review of the Effects of Physical Activity and Exercise on Cognitive and Brain Functions in Older Adults https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3786463/
Join this Program in Summer 2018 to get a Brain and Body Boost of Energy!
Contact Alicia Weber call/text 352-874-4363.
No More Boredom this Summer with this NEW Program!!