APRIL 17, 2021 HOWEY IN THE HILLS, FL first Spring Festival at A Natural Farm with a Garden Warrior Obstacle…
The day started with a thunderstorm and then rain till 12:48pm. One determined 5 year old boy came out in the rain to clock the first time of the of the day for the 100 foot Garden Warrior Obstacle Course that began with a 5 yard archery shot for score (converted to seconds off obstacle time). Competitors are allowed upto 10 attempts between 10am-4pm for their fastest time. The fastest youth male/female are announced at 4pm and win a prize!! This 5 year old boy clocked 18.91, which became the 9th fastest time of the day!
From 2pm-4pm the sun was out and youth competitors lined up to take on this Garden Warrior obstacle Course to try and become the Garden Warrior Champion as their parents looked at the 70 species of blooming fruit trees at a Natural Farm! It is an exciting event for the whole family! One family of 4 had the youngest female competitor compete (age 5) and the other 3 kids made the Top 10 fastest times of the day…the oldest (age 12 Kadyn) won the female championship title and she set the Overall Course Record in 13.03 seconds. She was amazed and she was sooo happy win and set the record! Watch her Winning Performance HERE!

Here is a list of the TOP 10 Fastest times of the Day for the 100 ft Course. Age is in ( ).
1. Kayden (12) 13.03 seconds
2. Lee (8) 13.46 seconds
3. Brandon (13) 13.89 seconds
4. Vincent (12)13.91 seconds
5. Mason (8) 14.35 seconds
6. Abagail (9) 16.41 seconds
7. Wes (5 ) 17.7 seconds
8. AA-Liayah (12) 18.90 seconds
9. Connoly (5) 18.91 seconds
10. Christian (6) 22.63 seconds
Honorable Mentions: Youngest competitor was age 4 Ashton – 42.27 seconds. Youngest girl was age 5 Emma – 36.73 seconds.
*Coach Alicia Weber completed the course in 10.83 seconds, while her 12 year old elite athlete Assistant, Cody, completed it in 13.18 seconds.
OCTOBER 24-25, 2020 A Natural Farm Inaugural Garden Warrior Event with Elite Athlete and Coach Alicia Weber…
Elite Athlete and Coach, Alicia Weber, had nearly 100 competitions under her belt for her Archery Fitness League of Central Florida from 2013-2019. Now, In 2020 she added another feather to her cap and became an Organic Farmer and held her first-ever Garden Warrior Agility Obstacle Championship for youths and adults at the A Natural Farm Festival Oct 24-25 at Howey-in-the-Hills. The Agility Obstacle Contest was an exciting spectator sport and fun for the participants. On October 24th there was a 36 yard obstacle that focused on running movements, balance, and mental agility (for awards) as well as a 160 meter “marathon” event (no awards). On Oct 25th there was only one agility obstacle (for awards)that focused on fancy footwork, shuffling, weaving, backward running, foot golf, and mind processing speed. One set of competitors competed on one day and a new group of competitors competed on second day. The Oct 24-25 Garden Warrior Obstacle tested mental agility and cardiovascular fitness with the Champions named below.
October 24th Garden Warrior Champions!
Garden Warrior Male Champion – 14 yr old Brycen 17.74 seconds
Garden Warrior Male Adult Champ – Blake 25.9 seconds
Garden Warrior Female Adult Champ – Pugui 18.58 seconds
“It was way more fun and more challenging than a soccer agility obstacle course,” remarked a soccer family of six.
“It can really get your strength up,” commented Damon who competed 8 times for his best time of the day.
“I think this is a great course for a workout routine,” mentioned Daisy the Garden Warrior Champ as Wade the “marathon champ” added, “This would be a good soccer warmup.”
Top Marathon Scores: Wade 41.79 seconds and Sadie 57.4 seconds. Best Adult- Blake 48.1 seconds
Coach Alicia’s results: 16.25 seconds for agility and 38.9 seconds for marathon.
October 25 Garden Warrior Champions!
Garden Warrior Male Champion-10 yr old Weston 27.64 seconds
This agility championship came down to 4 competitive boys that kept working on improving their times for the last hour of the event.
“I think it is awesome. I really liked it and by doing this event I made friends,” mentioned 4th place Brenden (age 9).
“It was so hard at first, but then it got easier once I kept doing it . The mental agility part became easier,” stated 2nd place Caleb (age 9).
“It was a very new experience. It was very competitive and I am happy to win,” commented Weston, the Garden Warrior Champion.
*Coach Alicia completed this course in 25.23 seconds.
Top 10 Garden Warriors on Oct 24th Agility Obstacle Championship
1. Brycen 17.74 seconds
2. Wade 18.02 seconds
3. Tie with Damon and Ethan at 18.57 seconds
4. Pugui 18.58 seconds
5. Trey 20.43 seconds
6. Daisy 21.84 seconds
7. Sadie 22.1 seconds
8. Delaney 23.18 seconds
9. Blake 25.9 seconds
10. Evelyn 27.35 seconds
Top 10 Garden Warriors on Oct 25th Agility Obstacle Championship
1. Weston 27.64 seconds
2. Caleb 29.22 seconds
3. Neville 29.82 seconds
4. Brenden 30.80 seconds
5. Alivia 38.83 seconds
6. Arrow 45.91 seconds
7. Samatha 51.37 seconds
8. Kayca 1:19.94
9. JJ 1:33.71
10. Easton 1:50.06
Honorable Mention: Our youngest Top 10 finisher of the weekend is Easton age 4!
Thank you for ALL who Participated in this first-ever event!
For more info on training programs and events contact Awinningway@gmail.com