I recently experienced tremendous joy when I picked out a card and wrote a special message in it for my niece who just turned two. It was her first card from me. She was excited to receive it and it was very much appreciated by her and her mom and dad. It made me reminisce about my youth when I corresponded back and forth with close friends, family, and favorite teachers through card writing. No special occasions were needed to write a card with a letter. I looked forward to going to the mailbox and seeing what letter would arrive. These days there is no hurry to go to the mailbox and letter writing seems to have become a lost art that should be revived to add more joy to the days and it can be done easier now with new technology.
Receiving a card with a simple handwritten note can not only make someone’s day, but it can become a source of inspiration, motivation, and laughter for years to come. I remember many of my cards included a personal positive, uplifting message (I kept them all) and I would re-read them when I was going through a tough time. It would give me a source of power and motivation to keep trucking. Some cards with letters would always make me laugh. The ones who received my cards would tell me how much it livened them up as well. Unknowingly, one person was going through cancer and found thinking of me and my cards made her laugh and helped her beat cancer (she told me this enlightening info after she recovered from cancer).
Nowadays, as an enrichment teacher and coach, I always treasure cards I receive from students. I keep them all. Not only is it thoughtful, but it reminds me of their growth and development in my program where an average 60 percent of kids learn to compete for the first time. They learn practice makes performance and a positive mindset with a “if it is going to be, it is upto me” attitude. Their cards are a memory of their big achievements from being in my program for a short time.
Even though regular card writing with special messages may not be “the norm” like it was for me years ago, it still holds a special place in one’s heart and should not be forgotten. It seems the most common cards that go out these days are birthday cards. You can automatically send birthday cards with a special personal message easily. With today’s technology, writing a handwritten note and sending a card is easier than ever. Everyone can create a positive impression with family and friends at work or at school with at least one memorable birthday card that could become a game changer in one’s life or at least a long lasting bond.