By: Weber Way to Wellness Reporter
LAKE COUNTY FL 11/29/22—-World Record Weber completes her 99 day “Triple Progression Challenge” beginning on August 23, 2022 and ending November 29, 2022 – setting personal bests 16 times over the course of repeatedly improving on the same 3 challenges. The results and progress of each challenge is below along with videos and details on each of the three challenges.

Challenge 1: 50 pull-ups + 100 push-ups This is a popular youtube challenge and a long-time fan wanted World Record Weber (WRW) to take on this challenge (where the best guy performed it in 3:26). In each challenge, WRW uses strict form and does 100 consecutive pushups, but that is not required in the youtube challenge (rest breaks allowed). This challenge is the shortest of the three challenges. She saw the most improvement in the shortest amount of time with this challenge.
In 42 days (1 month, 11 days) WRW improved by 34.82 percent in this short challenge. Here is the rundown:
10/18/22 performed after a running interval workout in the initial time of 4:23.7
10/23/22 performed in 3:19
10/24/22 performed first thing in morning 3:09.7 continuing with her next second challenge (6 minutes later) with the 210 rep aerobic challenge in 11:31
11/28/22 performed first thing in morning in 2:51.9 continuing with her next second challenge (6 minutes later) with the 210 rep aerobic challenge in her new all time personal best 10:24.3!!
Challenge 2: The 210 Rep Plyo Aerobic Challenge to build done density and overall fitness – WRW invented this challenge to develop power, strength, and stamina. It is an overall leg and arm strengthener in a high aerobic environment. It is currently the longest of the three challenges. It involves mind and body training as a certain form and order has to be followed correctly – 0r else she has to redo reps.
Challenge Details:
1.) 25 reps of 90 degree deep jump squats where bent arm elbows must dip below the bent knees on the squats – repeat 25 times in one direction and 25 times in other direction (50 reps total)
2.) 50 burpee pushups with jump and overhead clap
3.) 50 alternating one leg burpee pushups with jump and overhead clap (150 total reps so far…)
4.) Repeat #1….. (200 reps so far from steps 1-4)
5.) Finally, end with 5 consecutive chest-to-bar pull-ups and 5 consecutive chest-to-bar chin-ups (chest touches bar on each rep to count).
This is Alicia’s first 210 REP Plyo Aerobic Challenge with the initial goal of breaking 15 minutes (she does 14:32)! Over the course of 71 days she progresses to 10:24.3!!!!
210 Rep Plyo Aerobic Progressions and Results:
9/19/22 performed first thing in AM for 14:32
10/3/22 performed first thing in morning 12:55
10/17/22 performed in 11:45
10/24/22 performed in 11:31 (6 minutes after doing her new personal best to date of 3:09 in the 50 pullups and 100 pushups).
11/8/22 performed in 10:53 (she then did the 50 pullups and 100 pushups 6 minutes AFTER the 210 rep challenge).
11/14/22 performed in 11:27 (6 minutes after doing the 50 pullups and 100 pushups in 3:14 – 5 seconds off her best time to date).
11/28/22 performed in 10:24 ( 6 minutes after doing the 50 pullups and 100 pushups in 2:51.9)!!
WRW Improved her speed by 28.45 percent over the course of 71 days (2 months, and 10 days).
Challenge 3: 270 REPS + ? IN 10 MINS – A total core aerobic ab workout that WRW created in August to challenge her core in an aerobic environment. This final challenge involves all core in an aerobic fashion – ALL OUT 10 minute workout for most reps. WRW put a variety of interesting exercises in a series to a get a total body core workout. The goal is to do 270 reps and still have time left over in the 10 minute time frame to do extra reps of a final ab exercise to finish out the 10 minutes. So unlike the other challenges that are are based on improving time – this challenge is to increase reps.
Challenge Details:
1.) 50 reps with 10lbs med ball combo exercise – knee tuck situp (strict form)
2.) 50 reps wide leg flutters in a 6 inch hold
3.) 10 reps of 10lbs med ball chest presses, while maintaining 6 inch hold
4.) 50 reps horizontal leg flutters (aka scissors) in 6 inch hold
5.) 10 reps of 10lbs med ball chest presses, while maintaining 6 inch hold
6.) 50 reps of over-under wide leg flutters in a 6 inch hold
7.) 50 consecutive reps of 22cm diameter med ball pushups (270 reps so far…)
8.) whatever time is remaining – do as many Table Top 10lbs med ball ab twisties (strict form) till 10 minutes. Final Score will be 270 reps + ? = 10 minutes
In 99 days (3 months and 7 days) WRW improved her 10 minute ab challenge by 38.64 percent. It was the greatest improvement of the three challenges, but she was given the most time to improve as well.
Here are progressions and results:
8/23/22 performed only 270 reps in 10 minutes. She did the 270 reps in 9:43, but did not push herself to do twisties till 10 minutes.
8/24/22 performed a total of 324 reps (270 reps + 54 10lbs med ball ab twisties).
9/2/22 performed a total 374 reps (270 reps + 104 10lbs med ball ab twisties).
10/14/22 performed a total of 405 reps (270 reps + 135 10lbs med ball ab twisties).
11/29/22 performed a total of 440 reps (270 reps + 170 10lbs med ball ab twisties).
Summary: WRW improved by an average of 33.97 percent among all three challenges within the 99 day time frame. Thank you for reading and learning!