The field of elite male archery fitness competitors st the 2015 Ready Aim Grow Championship! Champions come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. In this championship, the youngest and smallest competitor, Matteo, won!!Summer has now come to a close. Youths 6-18 are now anticipating excitement in the NEW self defense archery fall season beginning soon. The program is going on six years strong with different themes each year as many teams and individuals have been crowned champions! Learn more about the sport league history here.
Many returning archer-athletes will compete as new promising talent emerges onto the scene. Will you be the next Star in Alicia Weber’s Archery, Fitness, Sport League?
Find out your potential in a free demo and try-out. Contact Alicia at to schedule your free demo/try-out.
The World’s Most Prolific Female Record Setter and Coach of the Sport League, Alicia Weber, had a busy summer preparing the new curriculum and of course setting records and completing fitness challenges. Here is a look at some of Alicia’s Golden Moments of Summer 2018 where the hot 90+ degree sun was out as her guns were out!
#1. Over Labor Day Weekend 2018, Alicia completed a very challenging, tough, continuous exercise routine per a request of a long-time fan. She completed 31 minutes of consecutive exercises to the song “Bring Sally Up” AKA “Green Sally Up”…See Below.
#2. Ring Challenge at DEFY Orlando. Alicia celebrated the end of summer as she tested the rings and other equipment for the first time at the newly opened DEFY Orlando on August 11.
#3. Alicia re-set the 3 minute consecutive push-up world record for the 6th time this summer with 171 reps.
#4. Alicia re-set the consecutive one minute 180 degree windshield wiper world record and did nearly 1 rep a second in June!
#5. Alicia re-set the highly-aerobic and physically challenging Bar Runner Exercise World Record and brought the record to 254 reps back in June.
#6. Alicia performed special strength feat Memorial Day show as youths asked her questions about fitness.
Huff, Puff, and Triumph!! Beginning is HALF-DONE.
What do you have to lose when you can ONLY WIN?… One hour a week in Alicia’s Archery Fitness Sport League will make you a Winner in Sports and Life!
Through many years of performing as a motivational speaker and entertainer, Alicia has learned that people do react wildly when she gets into third gear. Alicia made sure she warned her audience that she would not need a microphone and that she will become very wild, dramatic, and LOUD in her motivational speech she gave on January 18, 2018!! A lot of rumpus still broke out… Contact Alicia for speaking @
Alicia was thrilled to be selected as the Motivational Speaker to head up a Women’s Club of 250 members to get them energized about setting fitness goals in 2018. The members have been waiting a few months to gear up for Alicia’s motivational talk known as “Become a 5 Star General of Wellness: Secrets to a Wellness-Mindset and Energizing Life.”
No one had any idea what in the world the secrets would be and we are not telling our readers either…you will have to schedule a talk to find out. However, we will share some of the energy from Alicia’s talk.
Become A 5 Star General of Wellness Under the Tutelage of Alicia Weber at
Alicia had them shut off the microphone in the full auditorium of senior women anxious to learn how to become a 5 Star General of Wellness. Alicia began outpouring her wild and loud, dramatic ways full of innovative, proven information to guide these women to wellness! All the secrets were revealed to these women and they were tested at the end of the 45 minute interactive, energizing talk. They all successfully passed and became 5 Star Generals of Wellness too!!
While Alicia was in third gear in the auditorium, workers in the building down the long hall thought they heard a huge fight break out. Several individuals came running down the hall prepared to break up a huge fight and were shocked to find it was just the boisterous Alicia Weber giving a motivational Speech!
Contact Alicia Weber for speaking in Central Florida @
October 21, 2017 CLERMONT, FL—The first session of Champion Circle was underway as nine young men (ages 13-19) started their day with lunch sponsored by Chick-fil-a. Then, they visited dedicated professionals in the area of identity and discovery (with Patrick Backer), career development (with David Taylor), financials (with Kate Toscano), and volunteerism (with Otis Taylor). The young men engulfed all their information and they received binders to keep info organized.
Champion Circle Young MenThey finished their day with an energizing visit with Alicia Weber. They heard a real-life story about Weber’s obstacles and triumphs to reach her goals of going to the University of Florida where she received her degree in telecommunication and film studies as she became a letter winning track/cross country runner and the first UF letter winning runner to become a professional triathlete. Based on Alicia’s obstacles, the young men agreed that they did not believe Alicia would ever reach her goals. However, Alicia followed the 8 proven principles of success and she reached ALL her goals!!
Alicia learned that the young men find inspiration in movie stars, basketball and football stars. When Alicia revealed her lifetime inspiration was Dr. Robert H. Schuller and that he discovered the greatest power a human can experience is the POWER OF COMMITMENT, the young men were shocked and it was all new information. Dr. Robert H. Schuller had a television show Called the Hour of Power from 1970-2010 and he died in 2015. Alicia’s favorite show was the Hour Of Power back when she was a teenager. Back then, she also enjoyed impersonating Dr. Schuller as she would go around in a long robe and preach for her sister. Dr. Robert H. Schuller researched success and failures and discovered the 8 Commandments of Possibility Thinking, which really do work wonders as Alicia Weber proved it. The young men all agreed that they have big goals, think big, and are currently working toward goals. Learning these 8 Commandments of Possibility Thinking and applying them in their life will certainly create everlasting victory in their life.
Alicia Weber instilled The 8 Commandments of Possibility Thinking with the Champion Circle Young Men in an Extemporaneous Skit (see below):
OCTOBER 14, 2017 IN CLERMONT, FLORIDA—-Six brave, motivated young men became the first group of Young Men at the NEW, empowering Champion Circle program this weekend. The talks by all of the professionals instilled that the boys are born to be champions. They are marked with greatness and they are to run their race with perseverance. In the organized program with many career development opportunities, they begin a process of identity and discovery. They will become volunteers and learn about giving back to get so much more out of life. They initiated a 4 month transformation process to begin winning in finances, school, sports, and life!
Alicia Weber captured a second place finish in the 2017 Clay Trail 5K on October 15, 2017.
Alicia Weber, The Barrier Breaker Coach, will guide the young men in fitness and wellness or as she calls it “mind and body training” in a wide range of innovative activities. Alicia may not win every race (she has 117 career victories out of 249 competitions to date), but it is the winning mindset that creates real winners. In fact, these young men will learn from Alicia that it was in her greatest loss when she was able to grow and achieve her greatest wins. Are you prepared to handle the obstacles? Can you congratulate a competitor when he/she wins? Can you stay positive and look at the bright side in your greatest defeat? Can you work overtime to get to goals? Do you visualize success and positive images on a daily basis? Are you disciplined in your diet, exercise, and emotional well being? If you answered “yes” to all of the above questions, then you are on the RIGHT track to winning in life, which is the ULTIMATE GOAL.
Some of the Game Changers in this program include Patrick Backer (Identity an Discovery), David Taylor and Kate Toscano (Business, Financials, and More), Otis Taylor (Volunteerism), William Graff, and Justin Nichols and others. We could not do this program without our sponsors including but not limited to South Lake Church and Chick-fil-A. Thank you parents for supporting your son in this phenomenal transformation process to make him the best he can be!
Stay Tuned for 2017-2018 Champion Circle Transformation!!
LAS VEGAS, NV—-Alicia “World Record” Weber launches her new wellness comedy show series, which was produced and filmed in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2014. She wishes everyone a happy, healthy, hip-hop holiday season. Enjoy a good cackle with friends and family! Kick back and laugh with Alicia and “The Clan” in a wellness comedy series known as “New Year New You” where Alicia is the producer/director and leading talent in the shows. Get entertained, educated, and inspired with Alicia Weber’s own genre of improv comedy known as “Fitness Character Comedy.”
Every January only 8% of the population will commit to a year-round wellness program. Many lose motivation and a reason to continue toward health by the end of every January. This wellness comedy show, “New Year New You” is meant to rev people up for the long haul of year-round wellness.
Get ready to kick back and start cackling! According to the Mayo Clinic, laughing can improve your immune system, relieve pain, stimulate organs, increase endorphins, and relieve stress.
A Cackle A Day Keeps the Doctor Away! Now, Introducing the Weber Way to Wellness Comedy Show 3 Part Series “New Year New You.”
PART 1 of the wellness comedy show is with renown running coach, Johnny Deltoid. World Record Weber will also perform extreme strength feats in this show.
Wellness Comedy Show with Coach Johnny Deltoid (Part 1)
PART 2 of the wellness comedy show is with sedentary Madalina Seg. Find out what her new job is going to be and if she is able to get motivated to exercise. This show is full of surprises and many interesting people appear in the show.
Wellness Comedy Show with Madalina Seg (Part 2)
PART 3 of the wellness comedy show is with the newest member of Alicia and “The Clan,” Audrey Athletica. A former dancer, she is now breaking into musical comedy theater in a one-of-a-kind Broadway Play. See how her new career is changing her and what she can do to stay healthy.
Wellness Comedy Show with Audrey Athletica (Part 3)
Alicia Weber in September 2014 after setting 500 world records.I have been setting physical fitness world records since 2008. Sports historians have referred to me as the Modern Day Jack LaLanne as a woman. This September 26, 2014, would be Jack LaLanne’s 100th birthday if he were alive.
He died in 2011 and will be remembered as “The Godfather of Fitness” after revolutionizing the health and fitness field. Just in time for his 100th birthday, I have now reached setting 500 world records, capturing 100 sport victories, and I completed what LaLanne considered to be his hardest strength feat of his career.
On August 13, I completed 1,000 pushups and 1,000 chin-ups in just over two hours as a tribute to LaLanne, one of my personal heroes. It was his hardest feat because his skin peeled off his hands.
I prepared for two years and I had no issues. In 107 days I set 100 exercise records up to one hour in duration, which is the world record.
LaLanne and I had different upbringings, but our careers run parallel. We were nonconformists who set our own standards. We were going to achieve our goals despite obstacles.
I grew up in Southwestern, PA, in a family of healthcare professionals where exercise and proper eating were instilled regularly, while LaLanne grew up weak and sickly from a junk food diet. His life changed at 15 when he heard a health lecture from pioneer Paul Bragg where he was “born again.”
I blossomed in middle school, while LaLanne blossomed in high school. I captured a dozen physical fitness records during middle school. I was off the charts in physical fitness and I competed with the boys for titles. These dozen middle school victories with my 88 overall career athletic wins covering 17 sports is where I get my 100 total victories to date.
“We have been friends since fifth grade,” said Karly Sammel, my classmate and long-time friend. “My first wow moment of Alicia was when I saw her do the flexed bar hang for a couple minutes in gym class. No one could do that. Then, people were making excuses so they would not need to compete against her.”
We had to go to stations and complete exercises in gym class. The boys would not let me on the pull-up bar so I pushed one off and did 35 consecutive pull-ups.
“I heard guys saying over and over ‘Oh my God’. The gym teachers’ eyes were popping out of their heads. The boy’s gym teacher grabbed her muscle and became more shocked,” continued Sammel.
It was like a dream. Nearly 100 students and faculty gathered to watch me compete against the boys in different events.
“Alicia surprised everybody. We watched her showdown the boys in a 600 yard dash. I just remember her blowing everybody away at everything,” recalled Sammel.
Everybody was talking about my athletics and my public speaking too. LaLanne developed into a motivational force and was a top public speaker and personality.
“Alicia demonstrated skills and competencies in writing and public speaking well beyond her chronological age. She presented an 8th grade career speech on marine biology that has been the most original, well-organized, and informative presentation I have encountered,” mentioned 8th grade English teacher, Karen Bucy.
By high school, LaLanne became a star football player and wrestler. He hid his bagged lunch of veggies and nuts, so no one would make fun of him.
I self-coached myself in track, triathlon, and cross country to a total of eight medals at National Championships.
“We were on swim team together our senior year. We had a losing streak and had a meeting to figure out what to do,” recalled Sammel. “Alicia just jumped up and started giving a motivational talk.”
The girl’s team began winning and kept winning. Five girls took top places at the State Championships.
“I think people needed her to inspire them to do their best,” expressed Sammel.
LaLanne went to college in San Francisco and earned a Chiropractic degree. He opened the nation’s first health and fitness club in Oakland, CA, in 1936, where he put fitness on the map.
I went to Duquesne University, then transferred to Florida. I earned a degree in Telecommunication, then pursued Biology, a doctorate in physical therapy, and became a licensed massage therapist. I held the first ever world record physical fitness day in Clermont on April 28, 2012.
I have guided seven athletes to world records in fitness and archery and all of us combined have set more than 400 records in Clermont giving the area international acclaim.
LaLanne set many “firsts.” Most notably, he had the first and longest running exercise show called “The Jack LaLanne Show.” He was the first person to perform strength and endurance feats. He was the first trainer to have both genders and all ages working with weights.
“Alicia breaks barriers,” mentioned Sammel.
I was the first woman to set and hold many strict form military exercises. Currently, I compete against men for titles at Recordsetter. I am the only woman inducted into the Official Pushup Hall of Fame. In May, all the branches of the US Military sought me out to provide guidance in preparing women to pass their pull-up test.
We inspire fitness in a fun way. LaLanne would sing, dance, and perform tricks with his dog. I perform fitness comedy. I have reached one million views on my 145 YouTube videos with this genre.
“The world needs more of Alicia to inspire them,” added Sammel.
Clermont, Florida, is a small town with tremendous talent and exciting events. One of the exciting events is with the Top comedians of Clermont hosting the Live Interactive Mystery Theaters where YOU can solve a mystery and win a prize! Win Park Tickets!! Come out for great laughs with comedy and even become part of the act!! The I HOP in Clermont, Florida, off HWY 27 (next to BJ’s) will host the Live Interactive Mystery Theater in their back room on February 17, 2013, from 6-8pm. Save your spot! Tickets to the event are $10.Call Leslie to register at 407-375-0917.
Character Comedy * Lots of Laughs * Prizes * Solve a Mystery!
Here is a preview of the Character Comedy
Meet the Talent and Select Accomplishments Among Their Vast Careers: Kandi Seiberling is a premiere Sharon Osbourne Tribute Artist that has performed in Las Vegas. She has been a dancer in Whiskey A-Go-Go and Broadway Hair. Kandi was a performer in the Original Jaws and West Side Story Signature Play.
Leslie Peikin is an outstanding Character Comedian and has been featured on SNL and NBC. Leslie was an NBC tribute artist for “Ruth Bader Ginsburg” and has been on Saturday Night Live on One Fine Day with George Clooney. She performed in Unsolved Mysteries, Bye Bye Birdie stage play, and Saturday Night Live.
Are you looking for a martial arts conditioning instructor in Central Florida? If so, you are at the Right Place. Or are you looking for some martial arts conditioning tips? If so, you are in luck.
Alicia Weber Fitness Trainer and Martial Arts Conditioning Specialist shows cool conditioning moves.
No matter if you are a fencer, kickboxer, kata competitor, wrestler, boxer, or any other type of martial arts competitor – one thing is shared by all and that is SPARRING!! At some point in the training phase, sparring and sparring drills will come into play to keep one’s game on PAR.
Any fighter knows aerobics and strength are key, but other components need to be developed as well. Today we will briefly touch up on the 4 Key Components of Martial Arts Conditioning. It is really important to work all 4 components in each serious martial arts conditioning session. Those components should be followed in this order:
1.) Speed/Quickness/Reactive Ability – the most sensitive with fatigue accumulation and that’s why it should be first.
2.) Strength – after the former, the muscles are triggered for strength moves
3.) Endurance – at this time the workout becomes challenging and it trains the muscles to endure, which will be imperative for fights
4.) Flexibility – best improved when the body is warm (static stretching can tend to temporarily weaken muscles due to reduced overlap in muscle sarcomere – even more reason to end with flexibility)
So have you been covering the 4 components in your training sessions?
Do you need some martial arts conditioning in Central Florida? If so, you can contact Alicia at and put “fitness†in subject line.
Alicia Weber is a Fitness Trainer and Entertainer. One of her acts is that of an Elvis Impersonator where she does NEW MOVES! And guess what, they are sparring moves!! See the “New Elvis with the New Moves†below
We are currently underway with the first weeks of 13 for the Fitness Makeover here in Central Florida where almost 30 participants are enrolled to improve their physical fitness. We begin with becoming aware of the importance of aerobic capacity wellness. There are two ways to assess aerobic capacity wellness: (1.) A direct assessment of the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and (2.) An indirect assessment with rigorous exercise measuring heart rate in response to a given workload. We are reviewing # 2 and over the next weeks, personal clients, fitness makeover participants, and I will be testing aerobic capacity wellness in very unconventional ways!
The conventional ways (and standard ways) to test aerobic capacity through indirect assessment are by any of the following: 1. Rockport Walk Test, 2. 1.5 mile run/walk test, 3. 12-minute run test, 4. Treadmill Tests, 5. Bicycle Tests, and 6. Queens College Step Test. Now, we WON’T be doing any of these tests in our review.
We will NOT be “testingâ€, but rather trying unconventional exercises that are highly aerobic and evaluating their effectiveness based on the results of improving strength, aerobic capacity, and speeding up metabolism, and stimulating fat loss. The exercises that give the best overall results will be announced at a later date…So Stay Tuned!
In the meantime, GET ENERGIZED as Alicia Weber puts her aerobic capacity wellness to the test in a high intensity aerobic dance with strength moves!
Do you have a favorite aerobic exercise? If so, let us know by leaving a comment below.