By: Weber Way to Wellness Reporter
A group of athletes Alicia trained in “archercise” commented, “Fitness was never so much fun!”
Alicia guided Tyler Horn to the first-ever Obstacle Archery World Record at Recordsetter and he went on to excel in high school varsity team sports as a freshman. He played varsity in golf, soccer, and tennis his freshman year.

“Obstacle archery conditioning worked on my overall fitness, which carried over into all my sports,” he mentioned.
Alicia’s obstacle archery and “archercise” have been popular with youth and adults alike looking to increase physical fitness and mix in hand-eye coordination, accuracy, and precision.
Alicia worked with Nick Linkiewicz who won overall in the first ever archery tournament at his Winter Garden, Florida, school. He competed in 10 meters and 15 meters for highest score.
Alicia Weber offers year round archery. It is the first program of its kind in Central Florida. Any athlete kindergarten – grade 12 and adults can join.
Alicia has established challenging physical fitness archery world records at 40yd targets and holds over 15 “archercise” world records.
Join Alicia Weber for Archery and Get on Target for A Winning Way TODAY!!
Contact Alicia for more info at
Weber is recognized as the “World’s Most Prolific Female Recordsetter” and she was one of 10 selected to be in the Most Extraordinary People of Lake County, October 2013 Issue of Lake-Sumter Style Magazine. Weber is the 7th person down in Extraordinary People List. Weber has set over 20 archery fitness world records at Recordsetter and she guided archery athletes to world records too.
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Alicia Weber Featured in Lake-Sumter Style Magazine
Alicia Weber was one of 10 selected to be in the Most Extraordinary People of Lake County, October 2013 Issue of Lake-Sumter Style Magazine. Weber is the 7th person down in Extraordinary People List.
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CLICK For Interview with Alicia Part 1 8/1/09
Alicia’s Featured Bio and Record List at the World Record Governing Bodies
CLICK for Alicia’s Bio and Complete Record List at Recordsetter World Records
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CLICK for Alicia’s Bio at Book of Alternative Records 2/21/08