Alicia Weber, the barrier breaker coach and world record woman, entered her 10th World Championship and only cross-trained for it. She wanted to see how well she could do without specifically training for the SkiErg event. She did not touch a SKiErg till the event on 11/12/20. She was happy with her result – only 2 seconds off her PR (back when she did train for the SkiErg event in the previous year).
Alicia is an online trainer and fitness and running coach in Central Florida. She also has her third book that she published on Amazon, which is a book on Wellness and injury prevention “World Record Weber Wellness”
FIRST Alicia shows off her new bikini and sets a NEW Aerobic Strength Challenge for 2020, which is a total of 400 reps!
On Halloween, Alicia attempted to break several records (only one was broken though) in a new combined workout routine that lasted 15 minutes. After the workout, she turned into an Ancient Animal to celebrate Halloween!
In all Alicia’s years of track and field she never hurdled until she decided to give it a try in her unique way at age 40…
WATCH Alicia break TWO very difficult world records that she established at record books all within a continuous workout routine!!!
NEW for 2020 is a 25 Round Situp-to Plyo Pushup Challenge for Time. See Below.
See Alicia with her LONG HAIR in New Aerobic Strength Challenge for the fall 2020, which is a total of 300 reps!
Alicia attempts to break two world records within a continuous workout! Both records were set 6 years ago at Recordsetter World Records! She does break one of the records…
NEW for 2020 are Killer 3 and 5 minute Abs of Steel Swiss Ball Challenges. She breaks one record and establishes a new record.
CONTACT Alicia for Training or Archery @