It’s a fact that only 8% of the American population commits to a year round exercise program, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that the U.S. is ranked # 1 for the nation with highest obesity (with 30% of population obese) based on 2011 statistic. Top that off with the fact that the U.S. is the world leader in soft drink consumption and leads the world with the most fast food chains. Heart disease is the # 1 killer in America for both men and women. Nearly one-third of ALL U.S. deaths are because of heart disease. According to 2011 Nation Master Statistics, the U.S. high obesity rate goes hand-in-hand with the U.S. being one of the unhealthiest nations when looking at disease and life expectency statistics – U.S. is # 13 in world for most heart disease deaths, # 9 in cancer deaths, # 5 in circulatory disease deaths, and #49 with nation with longest life expectancies.
Jack LaLanne always said, “Fitness is King and Nutrition is Queen.” Alicia Weber will add, “When they don’t rule, expect a nation of downfall.”
On the contrary, Japan proves to be a nation where Fitness is King and Nutrition is Queen and they are a nation that reigns as the healthiest in the world. The 2011 Nation Master Statistics show Japan is the least obese nation, nation with least heart disease (as well as nation with least cancer and circulatory diseases), and they are #5 nation for longest life expectancy!
Japan is a country where reaching over 100 years old is common place (especially in Okinawa). Japan is a country where the people believe in taking care of themselves and that is their lifestyle. They are the largest consumers of fish in the world and of whole soy, seaweed, and green tea. They monitor serving sizes and they stop eating before they are full. They also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Japan believes in aiming for a low stress life with daily exercises and some of their favorites include Aikido, Tabata Method, and Japanese Yoga.
Many Americans would rather not exercise and not eat right and just let the doctor take care of them. Well, that is not a smart choice as according to Commonwealth Fund, the U.S. ranks last among seven countries for effective healthcare. You will pay a lot of money and not get the results.
Dr. Chauncey Crandall, a renowned interventional cardiologist says, “YOU save yourself! Heart disease is unnecessary and what causes heart disease causes other degenerative diseases.”
It is proven that a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods along with regular daily exercise is your best weapon against disease and having a long, happy, healthy life. So why not do what is right to have a long, happy, healthy life? Do you lack motivation and direction? If so, you have come to the right place. This is home to Alicia “The Machine” Weber – holder of over 100 official exercise world records. Alicia is totally wild about exercise and Alicia has the education and experience to guide people in the right direction to reach health goals effectively and in the shortest amount of time.
For $55 you can receive a personalized exercise program complete with exercise demonstrations and guidance in an online format OR you can get a personalized nutrition plan. Virtually Train with a Winner and WIN with a Winner!! Get with Alicia and win with Alicia! Alicia can be reached at for more info or to sign up.
Chris a 25 yr old said, “Alicia knows what I need for exercise and nutrition. She is very thorough with the nutrition consult. I am totally happy with her expertise. She truly cares about getting me to my best! I have her for motivation & follow her personalized program & I feel great!”
Contact Alicia to learn about the Online Personal Training and Nutrition Programs at
Alicia says, “I am an American, but certainly not American in the way I eat and exercise. I do not eat fast food. I rarely drink soft drinks, only ginger ale on occasion. I am REALLY W-I-L-D about exercise and because I exercise so much, I can not eat foods that aren’t healthy or else I will become sick. Due to the intensity of my exercising, my body is only inviting of alkaline foods. There is NO such thing as splurging or eating bad as a reward for hard workouts.”
Alicia had 3 major big, long stamina goals for 2012 and she achieved ALL of them. 1.) She set the world record for the most total body exercise records in 7 days in a row (2 of the exercises had to be 1 hour in duration). 2.) She then set the world record for fastest time to set 50 total body exercise records. 3.) Finally, she set the world record for the fastest time to set 100 total body exercise world records (where at least 3 records had to be at least 1 hour in duration).
I ask Alicia if she should feel tired and Alicia answered, “No, I am not tired. The more I do the more energized I become and I couple all my physical efforts with healthy eating, so both together are a very empowering combo for my body.”
Alicia would like to empower YOU to a NEW YOU as she does this over and over with her own body and current trainees. Alicia will work with YOU on YOUR goals and maximize your potential. The following are the videos documenting her 3 official long stamina records.
Official RecordSetter World Record where Alicia set 22 exercise records in 7 days in a row (upto 1hr duration covering upper body, lower body, and core exercises for records) on August 10-16, 2012.
“You have to take care of your 640 muscles, and the number one thing is exercise. You can eat perfectly but if you don’t exercise, you cannot get by.”
– Jack Lalanne
Official Recordsetter World Record where Alicia broke the fastest time to set 50 exercise records (which she originally set in 62 days). Now, Alicia is down to 45 days (Averaging more than 1 record a day!!) completed from
July 17, 2012 – August 31, 2012.
“You should do it against the clock. Say you are going to do 30 laps in 15 minutes. Then you try to do it each day a little faster. That is putting demands on the body, and that is how you build up. You keep up your energy instead of going downhill.”
– Jack Lalanne
Official Recordsetter World Record where Alicia completes 100 exercise records the fastest covering upper body, lower body, and core exercises AND for each of the 3 areas, at least one record of 1hr duration must be set. It took 107 days from May 17, 2012 – August 31, 2012.
“How do you build up your bank account? By putting something in it everyday.Your health account is no different. What I do today, I am wearing tomorrow. If I put inferior foods in my body today, I’m going to be inferior tomorrow, it’s that simple.”
– Jack Lalanne
Don’t wait another day and continue to rot away…Build Your Health Account NOW! Beginning is Half Done and Help is HERE if you need it – Contact Alicia at for Online Fitness/Nutrition Support!
I’m very proud of you, Alicia. You are using your gifts to help others, and you inspire all of us! Click for Record Results. Alicia set her first world record on 2.21.08 where she completed 75 consecutive bar dips in 5 mins and having set 100 exercise world records, she still considers this her toughest record set. Alicia has finally broken her first world record now on 4.4.12 where she does 85 consecutive dips in 5 minutes with arms breaking 90 on all reps as body is held vertical.
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Alicia “The Machine” Weber AKA World Record Weber will show her official world records from Recordsetter and her elite competitions. Alicia showcases her fitness trainees and their records as well as provides fitness and health tips.